America is facing a judgement much different than most prognosticators believe.
Some believe in a cataclysmic destruction similar to what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah via the eruption of Yellowstone or Rainier.
Some believe in civil war causing the nation to be vulnerable to being conquered by our enemies.
Some believe that at a low point America will repent and return to God. And lead the world to a Christian utopia.
I say to all of these, Bologna!
None of these match the entirety of the many prophecies. And the well established hate driven biases, that are prevalent all over the Earth, are not waning, they are increasing.
Something big is most certainly coming. The heat generated by hatred is reaching it's boiling point. Not just in America but worldwide. Something has to happen to drastically change the world political scene. And the one thing prophecied, that has not yet happened, capable of totally altering the world political scene, is Ezekiel's chapters 38 and 39 war. That is what God has allowed to develop.
At least part of the Israelites, had to be allowed to return to their God-given land, and reestablish the nation, for the Ezekiel's chapters 38 and 39 war to occur. God has done exactly that.
The political fallout in the aftermath of the Ezekiel's chapters 38 and 39 war is astounding. 5/6th of the population of the enormous alliance that comes against Israel is destroyed by God's intervention. The surviving 1/6th will be impotent politically.
Currently the whole world, including the ruling American Democratic Party, believes it can bully, intimidate, and dictate to Israel. That will Not be the case when the world knows that God defended Israel against the alliance that came against her.
The Communists will come in the pride of their conquest Atheism and be defeated. Who then shall be a conquest Atheist?
The Iranians will come in the the pride of their conquest Shia Islam and be defeated. Who then shall be a conquest Shia Islamist?
The Turks will come in the pride of their conquest Muslim Brotherhood Sunni Islam and be defeated. Who then shall be a conquest Muslim Brotherhood Islamist?
No nation currently upon the Earth supports the Israelites controlling the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and the building of the Third Temple. But who then shall deny them?
One entity that is for the building of the Third Temple, on the Temple Mount, is the Usurper of the Identity of Christ. The Antichrist. He knows that Christ is prophecied to rule and reign the Earth from the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Therefore, He shall support the Israelites building the Third Temple.
Now what does all this have to do with the judgement of America? It is the spiritual judgment of America. The worst thing America could do is be an instrument in the establishment and enforcement of the Antichrist's kingdom. And that is exactly the position that America will find itself in when America's chief rivals are neutered in the Ezekiel's war.
This is the reason that God has allowed the "falling away" to take place and Liberalism to gradually, over the last 100 years or so, to gain internal conquest of America. This same process started much earlier in Europe and it is the prototype of what is happening to America. This is why the European Union and the American Democratic Party are in lockstep with one another.
Liberalism promotes the Satanic concept of religious Coexistence. The Antichrist uses this vehicle of "All roads lead to God" to unite the earth.
The "falling away" from the Truth of John 14:6, had to take place for the emergence that we have seen in our lifetime of the Coexistence movement. And it has now emerged Politically in the manifestation of the entity known as Human Fraternity.