Keep in mind, when considering the title of the OP that Free Grace Theology is a system of soteriology, a theological 'camp' if you will, thus the phrase refers to that camp and not to the fact that salvation is by God's grace.
The soteriological view contained in Free Grace Theology teaches a person can apostatize from the faith, deny Christ, deny the Gospel, live in any number of habitual sins, and, is still saved. Adherents to this system teach a saved person may never exhibit any evidence of regeneration.
Dallas Theological Seminary is well known for this teaching as well.
From the DTS website doctrinal statement:
We believe that, owing to universal death through sin, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless born again; and that no degree of reformation however great, no attainments in morality however high, no culture however attractive, no baptism or other ordinance however administered, can help the sinner to take even one step toward heaven; but a new nature imparted from above, a new life implanted by the Holy Spirit through the Word, is absolutely essential to salvation, and only those thus saved are sons of God. We believe, also, that our redemption has been accomplished solely by the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, who was made to be sin and was made a curse for us, dying in our room and stead; and that no repentance, no feeling, no faith, no good resolutions, no sincere efforts, no submission to the rules and regulations of any church, nor all the churches that have existed since the days of the Apostles can add in the very least degree to the value of the blood, or to the merit of the finished work wrought for us by Him who united in His person true and proper deity with perfect and sinless humanity.
We believe that the new birth of the believer comes only through faith in Christ and that repentance is a vital part of believing, and is in no way, in itself, a separate and independent condition of salvation; nor are any other acts, such as confession, baptism, prayer, or faithful service, to be added to believing as a condition of salvation.
(verse list left off this copy and past but available from
Doctrinal Statement of DTS)
Would you please take the time to specifically point out the error?
I am not certain that what you scorn is actually in error and not actually what is Biblical.
Let me be clear in my own view.
First, I DO hold to "Lordship salvation" in that one who is drawn by the Holy Spirit will proclaim Jesus as Lord. HOWEVER, that doesn't always translate into immediate maturity of all things dedicated and submissive to the Lord.
Second, There is a continued work done by the Holy Spirit upon those in whom Christ redeemed as they grow in both wisdom and knowledge and develop the experiential walk with Christ. Some on the BB use the term "progressive sanctification" but as I have shared in other threads on this topic, the term "progressive" cannot by definition apply to the term "sanctification." Rather, growth and maturity as a believer provides a far better definable set of terms.
Third, A believer can become (by the circumstances of this world) as Peter did the night of the trial of Christ - "I never knew Him." Be it a psychological problem, emotional problem, physical / chemical problem or any number of other factors including the oppression of the enemy that compels such a declaration. Christ KNOWS those who are His and not a single one will be set outside of His fold.
Fourth, I also recognize that God has no great tolerance nor rewards for such as continue in sin, and if they are unresponsive to His correction are in fact either not truly believers (saved) or will soon be in the grave.
Too often, (imo) the lack of "show me your works" (as indicated by James) is a neglected teaching, yet one may conclude that "show me your faith without works" may in some way actually be a viable believer. It is just not the case. Such are not believers, but have deluded themselves and others. The believer that does wrong will met with rebuke from the Father. One who continues with no apparent rebuke by the Father are just not His.
So, I think rather than providing an OP that scorns, it would be wise for you to specifically make the argument that DTS teaches error by pointing out specifically what in their Doctrinal Statement is in fact heretical (which is what essentially you are contending).