Doyou also believe that Christ died for all mankind?
I do, but not in the sense of those who advocate a Free Will position. Namely, that Christ died to give an "opportunity" too be saved, if only one will "make a decision"
I believe very firmly that the dichotomy of spirit/body must be considered in the discussion. A depraved man is corrupt in his inner man and outer man. One on account of Adam (flesh) the other by his own doing (spirit).
This corruption is likened to a disease in scripture. Jesus made the correlation when He healed someone and pronounced them forgiven.
His death was for redemption from sin - both inner man and outer man.
By virtue of the fact that even unbelievers will be raised bodily, that necessitates that Christ's death provided the expiation of sin from their bodies.
Therefore, Christ died for the sins of all, for all will be raised. 1Cor 15:21-22 in Adam all die, in Christ all will be raised. Doesn't mean they're going to heaven, just that they will be raised in a body which is able to withstand the judgment of God