Here are some steps we could take to reduce the U.S. population:
1. Deport all of the illegals.
2. Limit the child tax credit to two children.
3. Include full contraception coverage in a national single-payer healthcare plan. Of course, I would exclude abortion because it's not contraception and I'm pro-life.
4. Encourage sluts to get IUDs. This will prevent them from passing on their genes and social pathologies to future generations.
5. Offer violent convicted felons time off their prison sentences if they get sterilized.
1. Agree
2. Revise the tax code. Individuals pay a low flat rate on gross income. Business pay same on net income. No credits, exemptions. loopholes for anyone. I doubt anyone is going to have another child just to get a tax credit. OTOH, they may, if it means an increase in their monthly support checks.
3, 4 & 5.
(A) I believe that life begins at conception. Many birth control measures, such as the IUD prevent the fertilized egg (life) from implanting in the womb. Thus, IMHO, Pro life starts 1 second after a new life comes into being. Thou shalt not murder.
(B) I don't have the words to fully describe how much opposition I have to the concept of a single payer, government controlled, health care system. The Constitution is being ripped apart as we move closer to this. Life, liberty, and the persuit of happiness. LIFE: How many will die because the government deems xyz procedure isn't cost effective for someone who isn't a productive 25 years old?
(C) Free IUD's, sterilizations, condoms, pills, etc. are in effect condoning sin. Jesus said go forth and sin no more. He didn't tell her how she could continue to sin without earthly consequences.
As a Christian, how can I, in good faith, agree that the taxes that I pay go towards anything that promotes sin? Sin all you want, as long as you take "proper" precautions as mandated by Uncle Sam. If you forget to use a condom, I'll pick up the tab on resulting abortion. If I give you a free sterilization, sin all you want without any need for personal responsibility.
If we have a smaller population, there would be more resources and space for the people who do exist. That could result in less poverty. A smaller population could eliminate many of the famines we see around the world.
I've seen the same stats that the world's population could fit into the state of Texas. The scriptures state that the poor will always be with us. How far back into history did the scriptures first state mankind should help the needy? What was the world population then?
We have many resources that cannot be tapped for all the reasons those in control have mandated. Either by outright restriction, as in drilling for oil or subtle restriction as in paying farmers not to plant crops. A smaller population has nothing to do with drought that produces famine in an area of the world. Yes, there are fewer people to feed. However, the scriptures also tell us what we should do. Remember 7 years of feast and famine? God isn't going to destroy the world by starving mankind to death.