Van, as much as I liked and admired you 40 years ago when we worked together, I have to say in this case I think you have misunderstood some important things in this discussion.
1) There is none that seeks God, no not one. Now the bogus doctrine adds "at any time" to this verse, rewriting it to say no one ever seeks God, unless enabled by irresistible grace. But since there are verses that indicate people do indeed seek God, i.e.
Romans 9:31-33, the intended meaning is that no one seeks God all the time, because everyone sins, and we are not seeking God when sinning.
Nobody I know of has claimed that nobody at any time seeks God. That is the purpose of the ministry of the Holy Spirit in our lives, to guide us into all truth. He causes us to seek truth. But He is only present in the life of a believer. And Romans 9, which you referenced, tells us they
didn’t seek it by faith but by works.
2) The natural man is unable to understand the things of the Spirit. Now the bogus doctrine adds "all" such that it means unable to understand all the things of the Spirit. But since
1 Corinthians 2:14-3:3 teaches men of flesh can understand spiritual milk, the intended meaning is that the natural man is unable to understand some things of the Spirit.
But in 1 Corinthians 2:15 Paul starts talking about saved people. Saved but still babes in Christ. And in chapter 3 he calls those fleshly men "Brothers" who were members of the Church at Corinth.
3) Yes no one comes to the Christ unless drawn (attracted) by the Father,
John 6:44.
Correct. We agree.
4) "All that the Father draws will come." Note this is a wholesale addition to the text, found no where is scripture.
John 6:37 "All those whom the Father gives me will come to me. He who comes to me I will in no way throw out."
However, in the interests of full disclosure, I believe this verse is talking about the Old Testament Saints who were God's children under the Old Covenant making the transition to the New Covenant. All the Old Testament Saints believed in Christ and none were lost.
5) "We believe, but only as the result of Election." Yet another wholesale addition to the text, found no where in scripture.
I am not sure who said that, but I believe it is wrong. We don't believe because of election. We believe because of the work of the Holy Spirit, using the preaching of the Gospel, to draw us to Christ.
6) Yes every born anew believer was chosen corporately before the foundation of the world. When God chose His Lamb, His Redeemer, He also chose corporately those His Redeemer would redeem. That is why
Ephesians 1:4 says we were chosen in Him.
I agree, but election is also individual.
Romans 16:13 says, “Greet Rufus, the chosen in the Lord, and his mother and mine." The word "chosen is “eklektos” - elect.
It is definitely true that Romans 9 includes the election of nations and that those nations are represented by Isaac, Jacob, Esau, etc. But it is also true that it is the individuals themselves, the fathers of those nations, who were elected to be blessed by being the fathers of those nations. This alone is evidence that election of individuals occurs in Romans 9.
7) Acts 16, and the story of Lystra, does not say she was elect before she became a believer. So a phony claim of support for bogus doctrine.
Acts 16:14 tells us of "A certain woman named Lydia, a seller of purple, of the city of Thyatira, one
who worshiped God, heard us;
whose heart the Lord opened to listen to the things which were spoken by Paul." She was already a believer, and the Lord opened her heart to make the transition to the New Covenant teaching. This is, in my opinion, a parallel to John 6:37, above.
Romans 9 does not say people were individually elect before being chosen for salvation. OTOH,
2 Thessalonians 2:13 says God chooses people for salvation through faith in the truth, a conditional election for salvation.
I think you may have conflated regeneration and salvation. Note that 2 Thessalonians 2:13, which you referenced, says "God chose you from the beginning for salvation
through sanctification of the Spirit and belief in the truth."
How did God choose them? Through the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit which resulted in belief in the truth. The Greek word και is a copulative conjunction which connects the noun and the complement. It is saying that "belief in the truth" is connected in a causative way to "sanctification of the Spirit." It was the setting apart by the Spirit that caused the belief in the truth.
John 6:40 does not say people were individually elect before becoming a believer. So another phony claim of support for a bogus doctrine.
John 6:40 is preceded by John 6:39 which is the circumstantial clause establishing the context for verse 40.
"This is the will of my Father who sent me, that of all he has given to me I should lose nothing, but should raise him up at the last day."
Again I believe this is referring to Old Testament believers who heard and saw Christ and recognized Him as Messiah. None of those would be lost.
John 6:40 This is the will of the one who sent me, that everyone (of the above who God gave to Christ) who sees the Son, and believes in him, will have eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day.”
Now, Van, allow me to ask you for a consideration. You have referred to my faith in Christ as "bogus" and "phoney." I can assure you it is neither. My faith in Christ is real. Genuine. I believe my salvation is all of Him and none of me. I believe He is in control. I believe He is Sovereign. None of that is bogus or phoney. It is my heart felt conviction that He is Lord.
So, please, I ask you, moderate your language a bit. Please. We are brothers in Christ. We should act more brotherly.