Luke, I am quite aware that Calvinism teaches that no man is bad as he can be, but that is a contradiction. If man was truly enslaved by his sin nature, he would be compelled to commit the most serious sin at all times. A man would not even realize he was doing this, because it would be his nature.
Man's evil is restrained by Providence. God does not allow him the option of being as evil as he can be.
You ought to know this stuff by now. You don't have to agree with the arguments, but you at least ought to KNOW them as long as you've been on here.
The fact that even unregenerate men often choose to do what is right (tell the truth, return the lost wallet, be faithful to his wife, etc...) shows that man can resist his natural impulses and choose to do what is right.
The Bible is clear that unregenerate man does NO GOOD- NONE.
If he does what, to ignorant people, APPEARS to be right he does it with godless motives which makes it sin.
Titus 1:15 reminds us that to the corrupt and unbelieving NOTHING is pure; their very minds and consciences are corrupted.
You ought to know this by now.
Even when a man does what people like you think is good, his heart and motive is godless and corrupt so the deed is sin.
He never does anything good ever in his unregenerate state.
Now you'll respond to this the same way you always do. You'll talk about lost people loving their children , yada, yada, yada, yada,
And then I'll have to remind you that alligators do the same, so do wolves and spiders.
You still won't get it because you don't understand the nature of sin has to do more with the vertical than the horizontal and you'll keep regurgitating tired old arguments that we've destroyed time and time again...:sleep: