I haven't changed my view one bit. You simply do not understand what PBs believe. I'm going to try to be as kind as I can be, but it aggravates me to see you posting as if you have the fine points of PB belief down pat and are going to educate and correct me when you obviously don't have a clue.
PBs in general to not believe that the elect are born saved eternally. We believe the elect are saved eternally in time by the work of the Holy Spirit, and only by the work of the Holy Spirit. We do not believe God works through any other kind of medium or agency, but rather through the direct operation of the Holy Spirit. This is the new birth, regeneration, quickening, etc. This is what we call eternal salvation and it is the sole work of God.
PBs believe in what is often termed time salvation, although I think that term can be confusing to those outside the PB. There are times the word save is used in the bible where it does not have being saved to heaven under consideration. This is what we call time salvation, or temporal salvation. For instance, Timothy is told that by meditating on the word of God and giving himself wholly to it, he can both save himself and them that hear him. Obviously, Timothy is already born again and heaven bound, so that is not what is meant by save. The context shows that what is meant is being saved from error and spiritual deception. This is an example of what the PBs mean by time salvation.
The source you quoted does not prove that PBs believe the elect are born saved eternally. Rather, it said that we believe that all of God's elect will be eternally saved solely by God's grace. It said absolutely nothing of being born in this state. I know of only a few PBs that believe that. It is not a mainstream view. The mainstream view is that the elect are conceived in a state of being dead in trespasses and in sins and are quickened, or regenerated, at some point in their life. That's not temporal salvation, that is in fact what we mean when we say eternal salvation. Temporal savlation does not concern being born again, but rather other things that deal with the here and now.
You need to educate yourself before spouting off about what the PBs believe and misrepresenting our views. You really have no idea what you are talking about. I'm trying to be charitable, but I would appreciate the same courtesy I extend to you. I try not to misrepresent what you believe, and I would appreciate the same in reverse.
It is obvious the term 'born saved' is the issue here as it seems you do not understand my usage of it.
and why I state PB's Hold this view in the main. Maybe I should clarify 'specifically'.. in that PB's do not explicitly state or say.. we are born saved.. it is their theology which says such.
But I will try it this way with a primary question, and two subsequent questions:
2. When were God's children actually redeemed?
Note I did not say believers because PB's do not believe all God's children are believers of or in Christ or even will be this side of heaven. In fact many state there are/will be more non-believers (from earths stand point) in heaven than believers.
Was it at the regeneration, making the application of Christ's atonement/redemption something that happens at different times for different people?
Was God's children redeemed on the Cross, when Christ said it is finished?
Redemption or 'to redeem' - In theology it means to, rescue and deliver from the bondage of sin and the penalties of God's violated law, by obedience and suffering in the place of the sinner...
If, as the PB's typically do, hold that Christ redeemed (pasted tense) all the Children of God (the elect), at Christ's death.. Then according to the definition of redemption the elect are 'born' saved.
Again from the same website earlier:
Particular Redemption: Christ’s redeeming work was performed and accomplished for a specific group, those elected before the creation of the universe, and not for mankind in general. Each for whom Christ died stand redeemed.
The Effectual Call: All those who were elected and redeemed will, during their lives, be “called” by God. This “calling” is also referred to as a “new birth,” “quickening,” or “regeneration” and is descriptive of the instant in a person’s life when he or she receives the gift of eternal life.
Thus my statement, as I have stated previously above, is not how they specifically state it, but their statement is the same in that that all God's elect (whether believers or not) have already been redeemed by Christ in the past, with no temporal application of it to men. The 'temporal' aspect is assigned to the regeneration, not redemption. Thus if redeemed, saved already.
The wording from PB's is almost with out fail the same.. they (the elect) ARE redeemed .. but those elect in Christ WILL BE effectually called ..ect.
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