Uhh,This thread is moot. Abortion is legal and that, more than likely, will never change. Why the complaint against those who would LIKE to see it changed?
Of course the law doesn't save. Who said it did?
I'm not for fighting against abortion primarily so that lost souls will be saved. That's what preaching, teaching, evangelism, helping these girls/women know the truth, Christian love, holy living, personal testimony, feeding the poor, clothing the naked, and much more all in the name of Jesus is for.
I openly oppose it and seek out leaders that are pro-life and applaud my state for making laws that require these girls and women to be provided information on all of their choices, not just abortion, and where to get help. I do this primarily because I don't want anymore babies slaughtered. I feel that God would want his people to fight this. No?
So, the consensus here is that taking a stand against abortion openly and publicly and politically won't do a #$@% thing. In fact, it will just make the lost hate God even more and hate Christianity even more.
Thanks for the enlightenment.
Making a law to require information is defferent from making a law prohibiting behavior.
Abortion is nothing more than the modern evangelical drum. At one time it was drinking.
Maybe I'm not speaking to your motive, but i don't think most "Christians" are desiring that someone know Christ through laws, or even that people will act more godly.
I think most who fight against abortion are self righteous hypocrites who think "if everyone acted more like ME..."
And that shows through the grandstanding and soap box condemnation of anyone who's different.