KJV-only double standards
Why does everybody want to "dumb down" the Bible? Sure, there are archaic words, but if a person is serious about learning the scriptures they will study. There are many resources available today at the touch of a mouse.
Does a consistent application of your assertions suggest that the KJV translators dumbed down the Bible when they updated many of the same words used in the Bishops' Bible at many places that they may have kept at some other places?
In some of those places that they kept, the 1560 Geneva Bible already had more up-to-date understandable English, but the KJV translators left the more archaic language in the Bishops' Bible unchanged. Do you study and examine the facts before you post your incorrect or misleading claims?
It seems that KJV-only posters do not practice what they preach or hold to double standards since they permit the KJV translators to update archaic words in the Bishops' Bible while opposing the same thing in other cases.
There are some examples where the KJV translators made simpler, updated, or revised renderings in the Bishops' Bible of which the KJV was officially a revision. I could give many, many more examples where the KJV translators made simpler or updated [incorrectly and inconsistently called "dumbed down"] archaic words used in the Bishops' Bible
Prov. 1:8 doctrine (Bishops) instruction (KJV)
Prov. 1:12 quick (Bishops) alive (KJV)
Prov. 2:7 health (Bishops) sound wisdom (KJV)
Prov. 2:18 paths unto hell (Bishops) paths unto the dead (KJV)
Prov. 2:20 of such as be virtuous (Bishops) of good men (KJV)
Prov. 3:10 plenteousness (Bishops) plenty (KJV)
Prov. 3:19 stablished (Bishops) established (KJV)
Prov. 4:13 doctrine (Bishops) instruction (KJV)
Prov. 5:1 prudence (Bishops) understanding (KJV)
Prov. 5:6 Perchance (Bishops) Lest (KJV)
Prov. 5:12 nurture (Bishops) instruction (KJV)
Prov. 6:11 like a weaponed man (Bishops) as an armed man (KJV)
Prov. 6:23 lantern (Bishops) lamp (KJV)
Prov. 7:7 void of wit (Bishops) void of understanding (KJV)
Prov. 8:5 O ye ignorant (Bishops) O ye simple (KJV)
Prov. 8:10 doctrine (Bishops) instruction (KJV)
Prov. 8:13 I utterly abhore (Bishops) do I hate (KJV)
Prov. 8:22 aforetime (Bishops) of old (KJV)
Prov. 8:23 I have been ordained (Bishops) I was set up (KJV)
Prov. 9:16 is ignorant sayeth she (Bishops) is simple (KJV)
Prov. 9:17 privily eaten (Bishops) eaten in secret (KJV)
Prov. 11:9 The dissembler (Bishops) An hypocrite (KJV)
Prov. 11:13 A dissembling person (Bishops) A talebearer (KJV)
Prov. 11:14 there is wealth (Bishops) there is safety (KJV)
Prov. 12:4 A huswifely woman (Bishops) A virtuous woman (KJV)
Prov. 12:6 talking (Bishops) words (KJV)
Prov. 12:7 God overturned the estate of the wicked (Bishops)
The wicked are overthrown (KJV)
Prov. 12:19 dissembling (Bishops) lying (KJV)
Prov. 13:4 shall have plenty (Bishops) shall be made fat (KJV)
Prov. 14:28 confusion of the prince (Bishops) destruction of the prince (KJV)
Prov. 15:4 frowardness (Bishops) perverseness (KJV)
Prov. 15:28 studieth his answer afore (Bishops) studieth to answer (KJV)
Prov. 15:33 right science (Bishops) instruction (KJV)
Prov. 16:31 crown of worship (Bishops) crown of glory (KJV)
Prov. 17:9 procureth love (Bishops) seeketh love (KJV)
Prov. 17:22 make a lusty age (Bishops) doeth good like a medicine (KJV)
Prov. 18:1 will sequester himself (Bishops) having separated himself (KJV)
Prov. 18:8 slanderer (Bishops) talebearer (KJV)
Prov. 18:10 is in safegarde (Bishops) is safe (KJV)
Prov. 20:11 known by his conversation (Bishops) known by his doings (KJV)
Prov. 20:19 bewrayeth secret counsel (Bishops) revealed secrets (KJV)
Prov. 22:28 fore elders (Bishops) fathers (KJV)
Prov. 23:4 Take not over great travail to be rich (Bishops) Labour not to be rich (KJV)
Prov. 23:8 shalt thou parbreak (Bishops) shalt thou vomit up (KJV)
Prov. 26:1 unseemly (Bishops) not seemly (KJV)
Prov. 28:17 be a runagate unto his grave (Bishops) shall flee to the pit (KJV)
Prov. 28:17 succour him (Bishops) stay him (KJV)
Prov. 30:9 Lest peradventure I being full (Bishops) Lest I be full (KJV)
Prov. 30:25 emmets (Bishops) ants (KJV)