I am neither a mathematician nor a scientist, and something just dawned on me while recently studying the feasts of Israel. (Maybe I slept through class that day.
If Israel's months were thirty days (and I think they were) would there not generally have been a full moon in the middle of each month?
I don’t actual know, but I do find it interesting.
“Time” was measured by lunar cycles (full moon) and solar cycles (longest day/night).
Years were measured by the reign of kings (in the third year of king so and so)
So, if the king began his reign in the 5th full moon since the winter solstice, does the 2nd year of his reign begin with the next winter solstice or the 5th full moon that follows?
Additionally, our seconds, minutes and hours are the function of mathematics. The reason we have 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour and 24 hours a day is that mathematicians believed the number 12 was better as a base number than 10, because more numbers could divide into 12.
If they had chosen 10, we could have 50 seconds in a minute, 50 minutes in an hour and 30 hours a day.
peace to you