Charles Cowman, Missionary Warrior, by his wife, Lettie Cowman. Cowman was a fundamentalist holiness missionary to Japan back at the beginning of the 20th century. He saw some amazing results for the Lord, but after about 20 years collapsed physically and was bedridden. His wife then would read to him from good Christian books, and took from that reading to edit the famous devotional book,
Streams in the Desert.
Edgar Feghaly,
Forward in the Face of Fear. This is a recent autobiography by an amazing Lebanese independent Baptist missionary. What a blessing to read about the dangers he's been in for the Lord, and the things the Lord has done through him.
Billy Renstrom,
Darkness is Light. Billy was a wonderful Gospel singer who traveled with Evangelist Bill Rice. He was blinded by a grenade, I think it was, in the Army in WW2, but eventually surgery made him see.
Fred Barlow,
Profiles in Evangelism. This is a book of short biographies. Some of those stories you can find told nowhere else. It is still available from the Sword of the Lord:
Sword of the Lord Ministries