Only very loosely. My brother did not say what you infer he did. He never said that he left Fundamentalism directly because of Fundamentalist standards, but that he began to question them. He also said that in leaving his belief in God, "By the time I was 17, I could no longer believe in my grandfather’s God, and I had become my grandfather’s self-righteous critic." By your logic then, anyone who leaves Fundamentalism is a "self-righteous critic."
Nope, didn't do that. Since I grew up with my brother I can interpret what he says in a much deeper way than you can. I know him. I understand him. You aspire to understand him. You don't. Read his book. Then get back to me with the beginnings of understanding a very brilliant, very complex prodigal returned.
I'm not going to comment on your posts past this post and I'm not going to discuss this any further with you. Your attitude of personal superiority assures that such a discussion would be fruitless and a waste of my time. ("Morons"? Really mature.)
I'll say just one more thing. My brother's statement of his own fundamentals at the end of his book is simple and very true: love God and love your neighbor. I believe you have the first part. Rippon and others have tried to help you with the second part. I hope you get it someday.
John, it seems to me your refusal to discuss it has nothing to do with me being an "unloving person" or whatever you ar4e trying to imply by the above comments.
It seems to me that you will not discuss it because you are a fundamentalist (not one like me who simply stands and fights for the fundamentals of the faith). The type I have been referring to in this thread has one glaring characteristic- they DON'T debate- at least not when the scrutiny is intense.
A good example of this is your refusal to answer the questions put to you. This is what this type of fundamentalist does. He wants to preach things and have everybody accept what he says because he says it and if you WON'T accept it then he cuts you off.
I think this is why you refuse to discuss it.
As far as me loving my neighbor. You don't know what I do for my neighbor. There is nothing about this site that could reveal that. You don't know how many hurting people I have helped and how many tears I have shed with them. You don't know how many souls I have won, hungry people I have fed, power bills I have paid, abused children I have taken into my home- you don't know any of it.
I think it is telling that without any cause you pass judgment so easily on someone who disagrees with you.
This is another common characteristic in the ranks of the people to whom I am referring.