Michael Wrenn
New Member
Nope. That was your imagination. If you were a self-proclaimed liberal (in the classic sense beginning with higher criticism), then I wouldn't have implied it, I would have said outright that you didn't believe the Bible. But I've never discussed the "moderate" position one single time on the BB, and to tell you the truth I'm not quite sure what it is.
Then tell me, what are the "fundamentals" of the far left? That's what fundamentalism starts with, a set of fundamental doctrines believed by all who claim the name. I'm not aware of any such theological positions/doctrines taken by the left. (I assume you mean theological left here, right? Because the political left is another ball game entirely. For the record, I was against Jerry Falwell's Moral Majority.)
And while we're on it, many fundamentalists are not what you think we are. I've known leading fundamentalists who knew liberals personally and yet never condemned them personally.
The "fundamentals" of the far left are the same as for the "far right" -- intolerance and condemnation of any and all beliefs different from theirs. That being the case, it renders specifics rather irrelevant.