It's pigeonholing, and a bit of a strawman, implying that a person's comments are invalid unless s/he adheres to a specific set of beliefs. Since I've been dealing with matters of objective fact, my personal beliefs aren't relevant.
Give me a break. You criticize my opinions which I have been very forthcoming about, but are reluctant to expose your own beliefs to criticism. I call that a win-win proposition if there ever was one. If you are going to criticize my beliefs, then let me hear what you believe.
So let me get this straight. Unless I espouse the notion that Intelligent Design is science, I'm not a supporter of it?
No, if ID does not meet your personal opinion of what true science is, that is fine. But apply the same standards to secular and evolutionary science. They also engage in much speculation and conjecture as the articles I showed proves. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.
I haven't mentioned evolution at all, I'v ebeen referring strictly to ID. But now you're just dancing and backpeddling. Your past posts imply that it is your belief that ID is testable, then you say evolution isn't science, then you say that testability isn't a requirement for something to be science, and now you're going to do the "evolution isn't testable" dance.
ID is testable in the sense that complexity argues design and a designer. You have heard the old example, if you were walking on the moon and found a wristwatch, that would argue that an intelligent being had been there before you. You may not call that science, but anybody with a lick of common sense would come to that conclusion.
ID and creationism are dismissed because they fail the scientific method. There are a lot of scietific theories that I don't particularly agree with (in fact, I'm hugely debating string theory and temporal mechanics with some buddies of mine), but the fact that I don't agree with them doesn't mean they don't pass the scienteific method.
Many secular scientific theories do meet the criteria. But many do not like dark matter as I showed in that article. But many theories based on pure speculation are taught as fact in schools and universities every day.
I think ID is fantastic, but it is not science. You may not be able to accept that, but that is the truth.
Fine, but neither then is secular science because much of it is also based on unproven speculations.
All I'm saying is be fair. Apply the same standards to both. If ID is not scientific, then neither is evolution.