sag38 said:
I'm not defending gays nor their actions but why would you deliberately parade a cross in front of a bunch of angry gay protesters? I really don't think that is what Jesus would have done. Seems to me that she was provoking a confrontation. Waving a cross in their face is not going help the situation. What was she expecting but an attack? I'm surprised they didn't beat the cr*p out of her along with stomping the cross.
==I understand where you are coming from and to a certain point I agree. You can bet that I would not have been walking anywhere near those people. There is a difference between being persecuted for standing for the truth and being persecuted for being a bit naive. The lady put herself in a dangerous situation. Let's thank the Lord that there was a camera crew present. If there had been no witnesses I fear something very bad may have happened to that lady. So she certainly did not carefully think through what she was about to do. Having said that, however, what those bullies did to that old lady shows their lack of manhood, manners, and basic decency. What they did to the cross she was holding shows something even worse about their spiritual situation. Allow me to explain.
The reason those people stomped on the cross is their absolute hatred of the truth the cross represents. What truth is that? That we are all sinners in need of a Savior and that Savior is the Lord Jesus Christ (alone). It is the Lord who commands sinners to
repent of their sins, deny their personal desires, and follow Him. Enemies of the cross hate that message. They don't want to repent, they don't want to obey Christ, and they certainly don't want to deny themselves. They desire heaven and the love of God but they reject the only way of salvation (ie...the only way to have those things). The result is that they hate the sign of that message and they hate all who represent that message.