You've been here before and brought this silliness.
Going to an opposite gender doctor is NOT a sin. Nor does it defy what the Bible says about nudity. I have had a few MALE gynecologists and all have been sensitive to the nudity issue and compassionate and COMPLETELY professional.
Your assertion that abuse takes place more often that not is hogwash. I have only been before a male gynecologist once when there was not a female nurse in attendance watching every move he made. And that was when I was in the hospital.
When I had cancer, the doctor who performed my hysterotomy was female and that was because my male doctor told me that she was the most solidly trained surgeon in my state for that kind of surgery.
I wish that people who believe that taking your clothes off before a nurse or doctor is a sin would either get some therapy for this [I'm not being snarky here] or go to the doctor you choose and be done with it.
I've had two primary doctors that were female and my current one is. I've had more male doctors than female.
NE enjoys being exposed to a doctor - beit male
or female, but when you have a trusted doctor or nurse it makes all the difference in the world.
The ones I have seen across the years were very, very trustworthy.