[These rules were established fourteen years ago to remind posters of basic Christian conduct and etiquette and have always applied in ALL forums. These were posted in our original BB divisions, but I noticed now it appears in just the Bible Version forum, so posting a slightly-revised edition applicable to ALL our Baptist-only Debate forums as "sticky" and "without comments".]
1. If you are going to start a thread in this forum, you must be clearly identified as a Baptist since this is a Baptist-Only area. As such, only BAPTISTS are allowed to post on any thread in this Forum. Non-Baptists may feel free to start a thread on the same subject in the "Other Religions" forum.
2. Please do not start a thread with an attack or a flame as your premise. This is in violation of BB rules. And do not bring dirty laundry from another forum into this forum. This one has enough of its own.
3. Remember that we're presenting ideas and not destroying people. Teach patiently as Second Timothy 2 says, or don't post at all. Do not attack the other poster; if you want to question the opinion, that's fine. But do so in a God honoring way. Don't attack the person; the goal is to build up and win for the truth's sake.
4. It is NEVER ACCEPTABLE to question someone's salvation relative to "interpretation/preferences" of doctrine. If false doctrine is taught, it will be stopped, but assumption is always that the BB member is simply not educated or confused, perhaps using poor word-choices, and not "doomed to eternal hell". Phrases like "If you were as spiritual as I am, you'd believe xyz" is another such put-down not tolerated.
5. Certain terms are OFF-LIMITS in this forum in the name of civility and discussion:
To label someone (individually) or a post (corporately) as "perverted," "satanic," "demonic," "cultic," "heretical," "sacrilegious," etc, is counter-productive to discussion and learning.
6. If a thread is going "off topic" after 5 pages, it will be shut down by the moderators. Feel free to start a NEW thread on a cognate area that was left unresolved. If you start a thread, at any time you may request that the thread be closed, but the Forum Moderators reserve the right to leave the thread open or close the thread at their discretion.
If you have a problem with any of these basic rules of civility and Christian courtesy, you know where the door is. If you violate them, you will be SHOWN only limited grace or tolerance before being shown the door.
[ May 19, 2006, 05:41 PM]