The idea that they were saved without being washed by the blood of Christ is heresy.
Is there anyone here making that claim?
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The idea that they were saved without being washed by the blood of Christ is heresy.
You are an intelligent individual. I believe if you read back over the previous posts more carefully it will be made clear.Hi Skan, you question is too convoluted to comprehend.
Of course not.Are you saying all roads lead to heaven?
No and since I haven't even mentioned a vision, I'm baffled as to how you came to that conclusion.I mean you seem to be saying God just sends a compelling vision to everyone. Is that not your premise?
How could anyone be baffled because sending a vision and sending a dream are completely different. Yeah, right!Skandelon said:So, the question becomes whether or not God has always, and always will only choose to save those who hear the actual NAME of Jesus and believe....or if God, who is just and reasonable, COULD discern the heart of man in response to whatever level of revelation He has and either (1) credit righteousness to his account based upon that response, or (2) send more light (compel a missionary to go, send a dream, etc)
So, the verse is saying that the lost don't have any excuse for not believing God exists? Yet, if they do believe God exists and they fear him, like many are said to have done in OT times, is it your contention that they couldn't be saved?
So the OT folks got to heaven without Jesus? Is that it. Still heresy, sir. Here is a clue, no one means no one. No need to revise no one to mean no one except the kind, nice and good folks who never heard the gospel.
No need to be snarky, we are just having a discussion. God obviously reveals himself to people in dreams in scripture, do you deny this? Again, I'm not arguing that he does do this today, I'm merely throwing out possible ways God COULD reveal himself if He so chooses so as to respond to the question about those in places that never have the gospel preached.How could anyone be baffled because sending a vision and sending a dream are completely different. Yeah, right!![]()
....but I'm with you on this eternal salvation stuff.
So what's your problem with 'this eternal salvation stuff'? You don't like the idea of having your name 'written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world'?
Skandelon said:Now, do you believe that the OT believers did know the name of Christ and understood the Gospel as we do today? If so, can you provide proof to that? If not, then we agree that Grace covers such ignorance and we shouldn't be debating this point.
{Van} I just do not understand folks who invent stuff and then say prove what scripture does not address is not true.
When you are finally finished debating with Icon......Oops, I mean "Van" (they are indistinguishable) might get yourself back to your intended OP:
I find that to be an interesting topic: When you could return to it.
Behave yourself Hos.....![]()
No, you don't...and that is because you jump to unnecessary conclusions about what they are actually trying to say. You don't listen. Skan is many things...but not the heretic you think he is...But you don't know that because you don't pay attention to him. You THINK you know what he is trying to say...but you don't. You do not understand him, nor do you actually understand Calvinists, nor Molinists...nor Classical Arminians...nor anyone who doesn't agree with you 100%
You are basically incapable of differentiating between what someone who doesn't understand all things as you do, in accordance with their own way of expressing themselves....and the language of your own assumptions.
You don't speak Skan's language....really. Nor do you understand the "language" of those who do not agree with you in every minor detail. This is why you are finding yourself in a position of actually debating whether Skan believes in salvation by grace, and through faith, and via Jesus Christ alone.....You are making him restate incessantly what are assumed premises of basic Christian faith, and he is un-used to having to defend them from professed Christians.
Skan is unaware of the factoid that you are questioning his basic understanding of Salvation....He seems to think that certain fundamentals are basically assumed. He doesn't realize that you are veritably calling his own salvation into question. You are wasting everyone's time. I would personally be thrilled if he were allowed to return to the OP he was suggesting...Only, of course, if that is o.k. with you.
Who said they weren't 'placed spiritually in Christ by God?" I'm only saying they didn't necessarily know of Jesus of Nazareth. They didn't understand the gospel as we know it today and yet their mustard seed sized faith in what ever revelation they were granted WAS credited as righteousness BY GRACE. Who are you to say that God, in his Grace, couldn't place the OT believer in Christ without them even knowing his name? Why is knowledge of Christ necessary for Grace to be applied? Doesn't the scripture say that God overlooked such ignorance in times past?So your whole effort to support salvation without being placed spiritually in Christ by God is mistaken.
Invent stuff? Really? Nothing I'm arguing or saying here is new. It's one thing to disagree with my perspective but to lack knowledge about the history of this discussion while acting as if you know it all is quite unbearable for me. I best bow out before I write something I regret.This is all pretty basic Skandelon, and anyone who claims God saves folks by grace but not through faith in Christ, is pushing unorthodox views, certainly not salvation by grace alone, through faith ALONE. I just do not understand folks who invent stuff and then say prove what scripture does not address is not true. That is not an example of living by the word of God.
My view is that because of the Fall, we are conceived in iniquity, and nothing we can do will get us into heaven, including believing in God the Father as the OT Saints did.
Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, no one, and I mean no one, enters heaven except through Jesus. This is the orthodox view.
Agreed.EVERY man is responsible to know, and accept and profess what knowledge of God as has been appropriate for their specific time-frame
Agreed. But did He HAVE TO? That is my question. Was their a legal requirement to be fulfilled, or was God 'free' to credit his level of faith in his given revelation as righteousness?Abraham did NOT, know of, or accept "Jesus Christ" as his "personal Lord and Saviour"...but...lemme put it this way: IF HE HAD LIVED IN THIS DISPENSATION HE WOULD HAVE.
Again, I agree, but that (1) assumes that level of revelation exists for everyone/everywhere equally OR (2) that God will make it exist to everyone who responds the their given level of light. #1 is clearly false, and I've affirmed that #2 is certainly viable and most preferred, BUT my speculative question centers around the necessity of God to do this, not whether or not He actually does. I hope He does, I even think He does, but is it required? If specific knowledge of Jesus wasn't required for OT believers, then that seems to suggest it may not be for NT believers who had never heard.I think you are sort of missing the issue with confusing the OT issue with the NT issue...They are not separate. They are one and the same. OT believers were responsible for accepting and believing what level of revelation existed at that time, and NT believers for what level of revelation exists now....