Trying to limit God to natural laws like time, that He created by the way, is making God too small.
You bring up an excellent point. The whole debate about young vs old earth assumes the element of time. In eternity, there are no works like when, where, or how long ago. Our minds are way too limited to grasp the concept of eternity. When God spoke the universe into existence, maybe it was from a perspective of no time.
Someone once explained to me in school about how limited our minds would be either in a higher dimension or eternity. If a person in a two dimensional world (as opposed to our three) was going to try and communicate with us, how well would he do? Since a person in such a world lives on a flat plane, if I stuck my hand towards him, what would he see? Probably five small holes made by my fingers as they intersected his plane of existence. Is that what my hand looks like?
At least I have sense enough to know that the mechanics of Creation are way beyond my understanding, so, given a choice of Genesis, or the great brains we have running around this world, I will take Genesis and how much the Lord chose to reveal to us.