Well-Known Member
In my experience, there is enormous compassion in the black community.
Please note, I am not black. My avatar is of Daryl Davis, a man I greatly admire. My personal experience with the KKK, is from a high school friend of mine who told me one day that he was a member of the KKK (showed me his membership card), and was quite upset to find out that my grandparents were nominally Roman Catholic and my mother’s side of the family was in the Holocaust (although, not Jewish), and were refugees after World War II. He verbally berated my family and then physically attacked me a bit later when I was not expecting it, damaging the cartilage in both of my knees. He ended up not graduating high school. Last time I tried looking him up, I discovered he has been arrested at least 31 times since 1984.
The Kingdom of God is already here. However, only those who are disciples of Jesus are part of it.
The New Jerusalem will descend from the heavens, re-uniting the full presence of God with humankind. It will cover all the earth, not just a part of the Middle East.
Political Israel (modern day Israel) is not God’s favored nation.
No, not at all.
The Abrahamic Covenant was honored when Abe gave his wife to Abimelech.
The A Cov was honored by God when Abe gave his wife to pharaoh.
The A Cov was honored by God in the cursing of England, Spain, Russia, Germany, France after the nation rejected Yeshua and was dispersed among the Gentiles.
The A Cov is an unconditional covenant.
Israel remains the nationally elected people of God.
Israel never experienced a majority of believers in Jehovah since their beginnings. With Elijah, population 4 million, only 7001 were actually faithful.
Joy unspeakable full of glory