Sorry Rev.. The Holy Spirit revealed to Peter that Ananias and his wife were lying... So there is at least one instance of a "word of knowledge" in the Bible.... So the burden of proof is on those that say that the Holy Spirit is limited today, and will never do this again. And I for one do not want to say that God cannot do anything he has done before.
And while you know I am as conservative as can be.. and am very cautious when believing Charasmatic mumbo jumbo... there is a biblical foundation for this.. and NO direct scriptures pointing to Cessation.. the closest we have is 1 Cor. 13.. but again, that is up for interpretation on what it means when it talks about "That which is perfect"...
As for the other sign gifts... I for one have experienced the gift of tongues... NO not the "Jumpastartmyhonda"... junk... I am talking about the REAL gift of tongues...
In Oct 2008, when our newly hired Hispanic Strategist for the WV Baptist convention was being introduced in Spanish by one of our area ministers.. I set in my pew and interpretted what he was saying to my wife.... and the only Spanish I knew at that point was "Como te llama" and "Donde los banos?"!!! But I was able to interpret his whole introduction to the convention to my wife. About 5 minutes worth.. .afterwards, I double checked with the area minister, and I HAD GOTTEN IT RIGHT!...
THAT WAS WEIRD!... but ever since then, God has blessed my ministry with the Hispanics... I think God was showing me that he could use me no matter what excuse I could throw at him, because the language barrier was the one excuse holding me back...