the premise of all of this post is in error, that’s is the idea that if one is to respond to the gospel that somehow negates salvation being solely from God. We are in a circular debate because you all have tried, with no success, to prove any response from us to the gospel implies merit on our part.
The assumption (premise) is that folks know the difference between light and darkness. That folks understand that those without light dwell in darkness.
Now I am not certain what is "in error."
Responding to the gospel is not been discussed other than to respond to your question and giving Scripture support for the answer.
Rather, what I have posted is about WHO will respond to the gospel. That the gift of light is to all, yet people would rather dwell in darkness. Those that receive the light not by taking but by not turning from the light are empowered.
Those who are empowered respond. Those without the light have nothing but rebellion and rejection as their response.
This is in error and without scriptural foundation. No one ever says the receiver of a gift is also partially responsible for giving themself the gift because they received it. There is no merit found in the reception of the gift. Ever.
Actually, I posted exactly what is stated by many. That one must take the gift to receive it, and that to acquire the gift is to ask for it. This is not new to you, for you yourself have heard it from others.
Doe everyone receives the light?
Is it not that those that respond by rebellion and rejection are those who demonstrate action and not those who believe?
Are not those who believe demonstrating a response to the catalyst of both light and hearing the Word?
Our faith comes from hearing the gospel. That is by Gods design. Our ability to then choose to accept it in faith or reject it, that ability is by Gods design. God is the only one who has the power and authority to design that plan. God alone.
I agree that faith COMES to the believer by hearing, and the ability to hear by the word of Christ (Scriptures).
However, I am not certain that your concept of ability to accept and reject is actually found in Scriptures.
Does not John state that those who do not rebel and do not reject the light receive the light, and all that receive the light are given the authority (right, empowerment, capacity, privelage...) to be His children?
You all . Well meaning as it is, have refused to accept an understanding of His clear design from scripture. Let me be clear, that’s not saying you are not saved but that you fail to understand what scripture lays out is the process.
Instead what you do is ignore Gods design and choose to divorce man’s response ftom His design as if it is not planned by Him and only of ourselves. In doing so you misrepresent our position creating a straw man we have neither said nor support.
Have I not been consistent and posting Scripture support to your questions and in my extensions to your questions?
I do consider you correct that folks "respond." There are some on the BB that do not take that view but have the human action first with God responding and, as you have seen, I have posted against that thinking.
Could you be more specific concerning the scarecrow that you are referring?
You (and others) versus me will disagree concerning prevenient (anticipatory, preceding) grace, but I don't see that as a problem unless you take the light of John as such.
Perhaps you should present your own thinking concerning the process so I am constructing a more appropriate response and areas of agreement we share.
let me be clear, my position is scripture clearly says that our response and ability to choose or reject the gospel is by Gods design therefore has not merit on man’s part. From this point on any argument of merit on man’s part is a misrepresentation of my position.
Do you view the person who is given faith as called directly by God by His enabling them? (John 6:37 and 65)
Do you view that the person who is called and enabled has any ability to reject the gospel? (John 6:37 - 40, and clarified very clearly in 61 - 66)
"Let me be clear" when you read, NONE can come unless the Father specifies that person, and ALL that the Father specifies to the Son WILL come. It is not their choice to accept or reject, for the flesh can do nothing concerning the Spirit.
When you look at the passages, notice that many of the folks turned away in rebellion and rejection of the source of light. Why? Because they did not believe, they were not chosen. (John 6:70)