I am not sure how you find Paul's statements about childbearing difficult (it is not a particularly difficult passage).B
Yes, by Divine Mercy for Gentiles it requires nothing of a thrological education to see the reference to Gen. 3:16.
The issue remains to identify how this Genesis' "curse" of childbearing has relevance upon women learning in silence within a strict Patriarchal Church, and being "saved."
Paul is offering a reason that he does not allow women to exercise authority over men in the assembly. His reason is based on the account of Eve in Genesis. Godly women being delivered through childbearing is a positive note to the curse.
The passage deals with roles in the congregation. The ultimate reason for these roles is to illustrate the love Christ had for the church. It has nothing to do with a patriarchal culture (although that was the culture), and everything to do with bearing witness of Christ.