Is there truly any Instruction in the Bible as to how much we should give in the offering plate? Or how often we should give?
I know many may run to 1 Corinthians 16 and say, "we should be giving weekly." But does that verse really apply to our giving to the local Church that we attend? From what I see, it was concerning an offering for a Church in another location, not the local Church at Corinth itself.
2 Corinthians 9 may be another place one turns to, yet, like the passage in the first epistle, this is also speaking of a collection for another Church in need.
Nearest I can find is the believers in Acts 4 selling land to help those in need. But that was not because of command, nor is there any indication that this was a continuing event.
Shouldn't our giving be based on when we see the need?
Tithing is mentioned only three or four times in the New Testament. Jesus acknowledged that the Pharisees were very careful about tithing (Luke 18:12), and he said that they should not leave it undone (Matthew 23:23; Luke 11:42). Tithing, like other old covenant rules and rituals, was a law at the time Jesus spoke. Jesus criticized the Pharisees not for tithing, but for treating tithing as more important than mercy, love, justice and faithfulness.
The only other New Testament mention of tithing is in Hebrews. The fact that Abraham was blessed by and paid tithes to Melchizedek illustrates the superiority of Melchizedek and Jesus Christ over the Levitical priesthood (Hebrews 7:1-10). The passage then goes on to note that “when the priesthood is changed, the law must be changed also” (verse 12).
People who entrust their lives to Jesus Christ do not worry about whether tithing is commanded in the New Testament. People who are being transformed by Christ to be more like Christ are generous. They want to give as much as possible to support the gospel and to support the poor. Christians should give generously — but giving is a result of their relationship with God, not a way to earn it. We are given grace through faith, not through tithing.
I know that as of late there have been many threads about the relevence of the OT. I believe law and grace work in perfect harmony according to God's plan. As I said above, I do not look for an excuse to give less. If one wants to seperate the OT and NT from the 10% requirement, then a transformed life in Jesus Christ is more than 10%. Those looking for exact numbers to get across some kind of line are missing the whole point of giving and being a Christian.
God gave us everything we have in this world. He owns it all, so a small return in a cheerful manner is a priviledge, not a buden, nor is it anyone else's business.
In my own giving, we give weekly. My wife works, I work, and get retirement, so one of the checks in some manner goes to the church weekly. Some at church give monthly. That does not really matter. Now, what I do sometimes, and the ministry is within our local church, is that I give an additional amount to those who run the Wedenesday night youth minisitry for kids from broken homes. The time at our church is all some get of a normal life in a week's time. I hand the money directly to the director of that program.
Usually all the giving goes to the local church. I have given at times to Billy Graham, and D James Kennedy, sometimes the Paralyzed Vets.