The record shows that on moral issues, Jesus was clearly Conservative. Jesus believed in a standard of right and wrong set forth by God. He did not shy away from using the word "sin" for bad behavior. In some of His parables, Jesus recommended doing business for profit. He preached about Heaven and Hell. Jesus believed there was only one way to God, and He claimed to be the way, the truth and the life. Jesus believed in a literal resurrection of the body. Like a conservative, Jesus believed in creation and in God as the Creator.
Yet on social issues, Jesus remained Liberal. He saw part of His mission as liberating the oppressed of society. His compassion drew Him to the poor. He never spoke one word in favor of war. Instead, He taught His followers to turn the other cheek, to overcome evil with love.
At times, Jesus blended His Liberal and Conservative sides in perfect balance. One example was when He asked the woman accused of adultery, "Where are your accusers? Has no one condemned you?", and the woman answered, "No one, Lord." Jesus told her, "Neither do I condemn you; from now on, sin no more." The Liberal Jesus did not condemn the woman, but the Conservative Jesus called her behavior "sin", which she needed to stop.