Originally Posted by InTheLight
FAL has previously said that he sins every two or three days.
(from Preacher4truth:
He certainly has said that in essence.
The fact is, he doesn't do so (go days at a time w/o sin) therefore he isn't being truthful.
He'd rather we forget he ever stated anything along those lines, and chooses rather to call you a liar for stating what he has claimed of himself.
P4t, the point is, In the Light did not accurately quote Fal, and even added an "essence" that was not there in Fal's much-quoted statement. It is one thing to say he ONCE went 3-4 days without sinning. It is another to claim he REGULARLY only sins every 2-3 days. So Fal is technically correct here.
However, FAL: I don't see why you couldn't just clarify what you actually said, and what it meant, so we could get back to the main line of debate, rather than a whole page of this personal stuff. Yes, you were miss-quoted. It happens to all of us. People take something we say and mistake us for saying something else, often by trying to re-state what we said from memory. and they sometimes get it wrong. We have to give some grace here.