Hello Tim.
And Johnp what was the reason for the delusion?
It doesn't matter what the delusion is for it proves the fact that God does use lies to deceive people doesn't it?

That's all man. That's all I wanted to point out.
and with all he deception of wickedness for those who perish BECAUSE (THEY) did not recieve the love of the truth so as to be saved.
When does God cut into our free will then? You are in agreement that free will is denied some men? If they have free will to decide to be wicked at which point in that wickedness is it ok to deny them their free will, I thought the oppotunity would be there until we die?
If a punishment comes down upon those who use their free will is it still free?
And if it is harder for a rich man...
Harder than what? Harder than a camel going through the eye of the needle? How hard is that then? He made the point about the richman because He wanted to dispel the commonly held belief that a richman is blessed by God. He uses the richman as an example because they thought if any can make it a richman can but it is harder for a richman, they thought it an easy thing, than it is for a camel going through the eye of a needle? He does not say it is easier for the poor but says it is impossible for man.
God works through cause and effect. A brick will not hit you on the foot unless a brick is dropped. A man's desires are used by God for the working out of His purposes. Life is based on cause and effect but the scriptures tell us plainly who it is that causes cause and effect.