David Jeremiah has a new book coming out of which I very much look forward to getting and I pre-ordered a copy today. Today he preached on the doctrine of Total Depravity and how Biblical he was! Some hard line Calvinists will accuse Dr. Jeremiah of not being Biblical, as God does not love, God hates!!! Yes God does hate what people have become, but He does love them, and wishes to redeem the whole world (Jn 3:16, 2 Pet 3:9, 1 Jn 2:2). He died for the ungodly, and even the false teachers as the scriptures say. I challenge the hard line extreme Calvinist to think Biblically and check out this new book coming out. Pre-Order your copy. Here is a quote from the introduction.
But I want to be certain no one draws the conclusion that since God is love, this somehow rules out His other attributes, attributes that all orthodox Christians have recognized from the beginning. God’s love cannot be allowed to obscure His holiness and His justice.