He believes what was recorded on the video and shared it.
I know, and that's what has me so very concerned.
I see that in several parts of the video, none of them are even speaking in an actual language when they are "speaking in tongues".
I know and speak some ( very little ) Spanish, not much more in the way of French, and of course English which is my native one;
and being familiar, by ear, with hearing ( and being able to identify ) Nepali, Arabic, Russian, Japanese, Mandarin, German, Italian, Hebrew, and some bits and pieces of others from media and live interactions, I cannot make any of it out as an actual language.
That said,
Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 14 that if believers speak in tongues, they should do so with an interpreter for the edification of all...
and that if one is not available, to speak to one's self alone.
What they are "speaking", to my ear, sounds somewhat similar to Arabic or even Farsi...
and the ones speaking are all repeating themsleves rapidly ( as if coached to do so or in imitation of what they think tongues speaking should sound like ) using the same phrases over and over ( similar to the cadence of Islamic prayer ), which to me, is not an indication of the presence of the Spirit in someone...
Who does everything decently and in order and not how it is seen in the video.
Another thing that I noticed...
No preaching of the word of God
anywhere in the video, which is what the Bible describes as needing to occur for Him to get a hold of anyone's heart and mind with the Gospel ( see Romans 10:8-17, 1 Corinthians 1:18-31 ).
In my experience,
Nothing sobered me more than to hear the preaching of the cross from the Bible, composed of God's very words, and to realize my need of a Saviour;
To believe on Christ and His work for me on the cross, and to know repentance for the first time in my short 12 year old life in 1978.
In my estimation, these are not biblical conversions;
They are full of Charismatic-style excitement and little else.
Even worse,
I see elements of meditation therapy and transcendentalism that are prevalent in religions and disciplines such as Hinduism and yoga, and not the behavior of born again believers who are aware of who God is through the belief of His words and what He has saved them from...His eternal wrath.
In other words, I see nothing here in this video that would indicate that any of these people experienced a true belief of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, baptism or no.
What I see is a group of people going along with what they think are spiritual things, and are excited about it all.