Who said anything about "complete freedom."
You. You believe in this philosophical madness called libertarian free will.
Everybody knows that doesn't mean that you believe that man can do everything he wants all of the time.
But what you DO believe is that there are MANY, MANY things that man does completely freely.
He is COMPLETELY free to decide whether or not to come to Christ.
He is often COMPLETELY free to decide whether or not to obey any number of God's commands.
You know how Calvinists always explain how Totally depraved doesn't mean men are as evil as they could be. Well we don't believe men are as "free" as they "could be." They do have limitations, obviously. And of course our morally free choices are under God's permissive sovereign control, so it is not as if my view is somehow negating that aspect of God's "control."
Once again your statements leave no distinction for God's active directives and his permissive decrees, but I've come to expect that.
It is because you don't understand permissive decrees as opposed to active ones.
All good is from God- that is active.
All is evil is not from God- that is permissive.
But your error on permissive decrees enters as a result of a deficiency in your theodicy.
Permissive decrees and theodicy are directly related.
Until you understand that evil is nothing but a vacuum of good- you will not get this.
Does light DIRECTLY cause darkness? No. Darkness is the absence of light.
Does God DIRECTLY cause evil? No. Evil is the ABSENCE of God (the absence of his goodness)
Does God DIRECTLY cause a man to hate his brother? No. But God removing himself, His moral goodness, from the heart of a man is the REMOTE cause of that evil. God did not DIRECTLY cause it- God permitted it. But God planned it, and by his design ultimately brought it to pass.
So, what I hear you saying is that God is not powerful enough to be able to create a world with free moral agents, even if he wanted to?
No more than he is powerful enough to make a rock so big he cannot lift it.
God cannot do ANYTHING that you can imagine.
God is in himself consistent. God cannot be the God of inconsistency.
God cannot make moisture dry. Once it BECOMES dry it is no longer moist.
Dry, in fact, is NOTHING but the absence of moisture.
And God cannot both be in complete control and not be in complete control at the same.
There are TRILLIONS of things that God cannot do BECAUSE he is perfect and BECAUSE he is God.
Be in control and not in control at the same time is one of them.
Others include sin, lie, contradict his own nature, NOT be omnipotent, NOT be omnipresent, NOT be omniscient, NOT be holy, etc...
In order to create a world like the one you want to exist, God must cease being God- which is something else he CANNOT do.
And you call our view of God small? At lease I admit that God COULD have chosen the Calvinistic model if He wanted to, but you step beyond that saying that God COULD NOT have done it in the Arminian way even if He wanted to because it would be impossible for Him.
I expect more of you.
This argument, "SO YOU'RE SAYING GOD CANNOT DO SOMETHING????" is beneath what I think of your intelligence.
You ought to know enough to know that saying that God CANNOT do something doesn't make him small at all.
It is one of the very facts of God that PROVE how big he is.
He is so big that he CANNOT be dishonest.
He is SO big that he CANNOT be weak. Therefore he CANNOT be NOT in control of anything.
He cannot MAKE himself less than he is. And part of who he is is COMPLETELY SOVEREIGN.
BTW, you have still yet to reply to the post regarding Ware's compatibilistic arguments and their dependance on uniquely divine events such as the crucifixion and scriptures inspiration.
I haven't even seen that argument- but we have a full plate here.