Yes, the only truth that I acknowledge are those that comes out from the mouth of the Lord Jesus and you were not a witness to it when it transpired to us. I really cannot trust anything and anyone who is not the Lord God Jesus Christ, much more so that I cannot believe at once anything and anyone which and whom I have not witness to in my life.
Do you trust the bible or do you put your trust in the bible? Is the bible your Lord God?
The Dead Sea Scrolls verify the accuracy of the method of copying by the Jews which was also adopted by the Christians in copying the New Testament. Not even the most radical liberal textual scholar doubts that over 98% of the scriptures are the very words found in the originals. The percentage left deals primarily with word order, differences of tense, and other minor details that do not affect any doctrine in scripture.
Furthermore, Jesus used COPIES of the Old Testament and confidently stated what he quoted was "thus saith the Lord" or "it is written."
Your cavilier approach to scriptures where you pick and choose, pit Christ's words against Paul's words demonstrate you have no understanding of the scriptures and no respect for the Scriptures comparible to how Jesus respected and used the scriptures and we are followers of Him and not you! You will not find Christ pitting Moses against Isaiah or Jeremiah against God but that is your mindset.
You are simply a deceived individual who follows his feelings and thinks it is God talking to you whereas we are like the Bereans whom Paul praised because they searched the scriptures rather than merely took the word of Paul.
Your claim that you only respect the words that come out of the very mouth of the Lord is a claim to equality with prophets of scripture and so we must use the Biblical tests of a prophet to test your professions and you have already failed many of those tests already but you need fail only one to be deemed a false prophet.