A Call To Prayer And Testimony by C.H.S.
... Christ's determination to perform a work , his decree that so it shall be , is no argument for our idleness , but is the best plea and encouragement for our endeavours . " If it is to be , " cries one , " I need not do anything. " Nay , friend , thou arguest slothfully . On the contrary , the earnest heart will reason itself into immediate and confident action ... Pre-destination , when rightly understood , never leads to sloth : it has frequently , in human history , been of tremendous force for the production of the most daring and determined action ... God wills it , therefore it shall be . Like thunderbolts flung from an almighty hand , believers crash through every difficulty under the irrepressible impulse of fulfilling a divine purpose . Oh , that our meditations at this time may bring us all to this resolve , that we will not rest , and we will give God no rest , till his decree is fulfilled , and till he has established and made Jerusalem a praise in the earth !