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Gods Word: Sharper Than A Two-Edged Sword:

Discussion in 'General Baptist Discussions' started by Frances, Sep 6, 2005.

  1. Frances

    Frances New Member

    Aug 22, 2005
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    Matthew 7:13-15
    Enter ye in at the strait gate: for WIDE is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to DESTRUCTION, and MANY there be which go in therat:
    because strait is the gate and NARROW is the way, which leadeth unto LIFE, and FEW there be that find it.
    beware of FALSE PROPHETS, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
  2. Straightand narrow is one of the FEW that agree with such nonsense
  3. So far Frances you are going through the wrong gate. Satan totally has you fooled.
  4. Humblesmith

    Humblesmith Member

    Mar 11, 2005
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    Please read 1 John 5:13, then answer this question:

    How long does eternal life last?
  5. Frances

    Frances New Member

    Aug 22, 2005
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    TCassidy, I believe you should read my posts' again.
  6. webdog

    webdog Active Member
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    Mar 31, 2005
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    This verse says nothing of losing salvation. The narrow road LEADS to the straight gate. Once you go through the gate, you are in! The Bible does not say you can get your hand stamped for re-entrance. The narrow road means there is ONLY one way to get to heaven, as opposed to the wide road which is everything else, including doing nothing. Unbelievers are already on the wide road, they have to get on the narrow one to go to Heaven.
  7. Believe me Humblesmith , starightandnarrow and frances have been shown tons of scripture , but their eyes are still closed on the subject. While straightandnarrow is able to be involved with other discussions and does well and holds his own. Frances I see is simply on here to argue.
  8. webdog

    webdog Active Member
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    Mar 31, 2005
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    RFW, I normally agree with your views, but this one is a stretch:
    The Living Bible and The Message are paraphrases, but I don't think they can automatically be discounted as not inspired. These versions are no different than your pastor reading from tht KJV, and then explaining what the scripture says. Every pastor does this, and all preaching would have to be considered "bad" and uninspired.
  9. Yeah webdog I understand that point, one which I thought of when I said that. Your right in your assessment. But to use it as a STUDY Bible that is where I have a problem, it is ok for someone new in the faith or a young person. Although I think they would be better off using something NOT pharaphrased. But to try and get deep truths out of it. I'd rather go to other translations, and when I do heavy Bible studies like I did with the Gift of Tongues, Music, Rapture, Gap theory et I use the King James as my main source.
  10. Rachel

    Rachel New Member

    Oct 3, 2004
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    In case it was missed. [​IMG]

  11. webdog

    webdog Active Member
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    Mar 31, 2005
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    I agree. No one translation (KJV included) should solely be used for heavy Bible study, expecially paraphrases. I tend to use more greek and hebrew lexicon's when studying something hardcore. I just wanted to clear up any misconception about paraphrases in case there is a new believer reading this thread who may own one.
  12. TCassidy

    TCassidy Late-Administator Emeritus

    Mar 30, 2005
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    I read them several time prior to responding. How many times did you read my response?
  13. Yeah Webdog I don't use greek and hebrew lexicon's, not even sure what those are and how to use them.

    Luckly I have been taught how to study the Bible, by one of the best. So I basically use proper hermaneutics and lots of Concordances, scripture, and yes other translations if needed and above all the Holy Spirit.
  14. webdog

    webdog Active Member
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    Mar 31, 2005
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  15. Helen

    Helen <img src =/Helen2.gif>

    Aug 29, 2001
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    Frances, if one is not born permanently into the family of God when one is born again then you are not only saying that one can be 'unborn', but that the Holy Spirit is not capable of raising up those who are His. I have five adopted kids as well as the one I was able to have. Two of them are in their early twenties right now and not even talking to me. That is OK. They are still mine and will inherit from me when I die.

    And there is no way I can love more than God!

    Hebrews 12 says we who are His will be disciplined by Him. Just like we discipline our kids, only more fairly and firmly. It does not say He ever gives up on us!

    Paul tells us in Romans 8 that we belong forever -- nothing can separate us from Him. And since I, myself, am something, that means I cannot even separate myself. But the point is, actually, I would not want to, for when one is born again of Christ, one is given a new heart, a new nature. I no longer WANT to sin, and am ashamed when I do. So different from before! I am indwelt by the Holy Spirit who loves through me. He leads me. He will not lead me away from Himself, for I am no longer my own. I belong to Him. I am not in charge of my final destiny. He is. Thank God for that!

    If I were to have to worry about my own salvation's security, I would be spending all my time concentrating on myself and not loving God and loving others. It seems to me, then, that by taking my focus off God and others and putting it on myself in a state of constant concern about my own salvation is not only insulting to God, but is actually of the devil, for it is he who would want us to concentrate on ourselves to the exclusion of God and others.
  16. Thanks Webdog, All the studies I have done were before I was use to using the computer. the last one I did was in 1998. Been awhile ( thats my own deep Bible study )not other Bible studies like at church et.

    I'm sure that will come in handy [​IMG]
  17. Johnv

    Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    There is ample debate on these topics here on the BB. These issues are interpretive, not doctrinal. The truth is often gleaned by engaging in those discussions in a healthy manner, listening to others when the post, and posting replies accordingly. The truth is not, however, found by getting on and tellign people that "only" your or my interpretation of scripture in these matters is correct.
  18. John when it comes to the doctrine of ASSURANCE OF SALVATION, there is only ONE truth. Otherwise we are NO different than any other RELIGION !

    Religion......says DO.....WORKS

    Christianity ......says DONE......RELATIONSHIP
  19. Johnv

    Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    Christianity is not a relgion. Christianity is a relationship. I don't think there's an arguement there.

    However, referring the the doctrine of salvation, that's an issue covered in the Baptist Distinctives, and we're required to adhere to them. In fact, the Distinctives are mandatory for Baptist believers, and we're not allowed to depart from them. However, items not in accordance with the Distinctives are interpretive, and each church/believer is allowed the religious liberty to adhere to scriptural interpretation to the best of their imperfect ability. Wearing pants by women, requiring headcoverings, and tithing are good examples of interpretive beliefs that ear left to the individual believers.

    On a sidenote, I do think it's sadly amusing when I see so many baptists take an issue of intepretation and make a doctrine of it, and at the same time, treat some of the distinctives as suggestions.