So, wouldn't that necessitate conversion for anyone in hear shot of the gospel being proclaimed? Or, in this view, is God still actively blinding/hardening the non-elect from hearing the gospel so as to prevent their regeneration? If so, isn't that a form of double predestination, a view most Calvinists reject?
Well.....I would agree that that were so, but....I am merely trying to get us all on the same page of understanding. I await our noble opposition to either agree with, or correct, what my understanding of their position is....whatever we Arminians do....I think we avoid "straw-men". I may have not correctly defined their position though...So I await any possible clarification
I agree that is a correct explanation, but for me (and many Baptist non-Calvinistic scholars) the gospel itself is the Holy Spirit's work of 'prevenient Grace.' Make sense?
Well...SURE!!! It makes may also be accurate...but it probably isn't the only definition of "Prevenient Grace" or even, "The Gospel" available...Quite frankly...I don't see it that way. I supplied my
own definition of Arminianism (only as I understand it). I think that I would separate the "Gospel" as a message anyway...from the act of "Prevenient Grace" itself. I do not (I guess) assume that they are automatically concurrent. That is what I was trying to convey. That the message and the action of the Spirit are not necessarily concurrent be it "Prevenient" or "Effectual" as it were. That is only as I understand or define it, of course...
So, in that regard we would be in agreement with Luke's view (I.E. the gospel is the means of grace), we would just not agree regarding the effectuality of those means.
Maybe not.....I don't think I percieve them as the same. I don't "
define" the gospel as anything other really, as the factual "news" about Christ's taking the payment for sin of all who choose to believe...I may be wrong, but that is, at least, as I understand it. The "Gospel" and the "Work of the Spirit" are not
necessarily always concurrent...Regardless of whether it is "enabling/Pre-venient" or "effectual"....I simply don't (personally) define the "gospel" as a "force" in any way...that is a discussion all by itself I suppose....I was only trying to put our view and that of Luke into terms which might advance understanding....And he has yet to verify my interpretation of his ideology.
It seems to me that the Calvinistic belief in the irresistibility or effectuality of the means of grace is what causes all the dilemma.
If you simply removed that one point most of the issue disappear.
God loves people, provides the means for their salvation, graces them by sending them an appeal to be reconciled thus enabling them to respond and they are held to account for that response.] Its that simple. It's only when you suggest that these means are irresistible that problems arise.
Well, yes...agreed completely...hence my status as an Arm...(with Molinistic tendencies)....but whether the "Gospel" automatically ENTAILS an "Enabling" or "Effectual" action of the Spirit may be the source of least as I see it....I don't assume they are always concurrent I guess. I suppose I think that the "Gospel" might conceivably be preached in a vacuum......Maybe you do not. If so, then I do not understand why you don't comprehend Luke's view....That was, (quite frankly) the only way I could think of to understand the difference without accusing him of "double-speak"....I tried to charitably find a way we might have diagreed with you by trying to find a misunderstanding....I actually think that that is what it was....I could be wrong:
Luke: Gospel= Good-news + Spirit...(whether "effectual" or "enabling" immaterial for these purposes)
Me: Gospel= Good-news + nothing (Work of Holy aside from or additional to....)
That was the only way to hopefully try to:
1.) insert myself into an amazing debate I desperately wanted to be a part of :tongue3:
2.) Explain what I guessed might have been a source of misunderstanding by playing "Devil's Advocate" somewhat for why Luke's posts might make sense (as I thought he expressed them) without the accusation of double-speak...
Of course I disagree with him and, am not a Calvinist...but when we Ultimately destroy his Soteriological views...we will do so fairly...
Think like a general in a war Skan....Smart as this guy is...(We must admit he is) is worth the effort to
SSS...LL...OOOOOOO...WW...LLLL..YYY bring him back into the fold... He would become the most
AMAZING Arminian there is...if he be re-converted... I secretly hold some Molinistic plans for him myself...

(You need not concern yourself with it, it is none of your business...move along..nothing to see here). It's worth the time and effort for now, even if we must humor him for now....
He may yet merely shoot down my explanation of his views...and then I will be back to square one....But, I await Him to do it....They are
His views...I was trying to make sense of them, so that the debate might continue. I might have mis-understood them after all.