The following quote from the "SUPER-GOD" thread.
Her question:
No scriptural support for this that I'm aware of, but it does make sense; at least to me.
God created all (Heaven, earth, universe et al) in a perfect and pristine condition.
Before the fall, possibly before man's creation, the angels were similar to the first man in that, even being perfect, there was the potential for rebellion. Upon becoming very personally aware of his status & beauty, satan let pride push his ambitions a little too far. Hence his rebellion against God Himself.
At this point, God gave the angels the choice, again similar to ours, of following Him, or casting their lot with satan and his rebellious ambitions. Once their choice was made, their eternal destiny was firm, just as ours is after death, depending on our pre-death choice.
The angels are now living in their "eternity", just as we will be after death, in the once again perfect environment; but now with ZERO chance of sin.
Would love to see any scripture to validate OR refute this idea.
(Frankly I'm anxiously looking forward to that "sin-free" environment; if for no other reason than that my feelings & attitude toward others will change!!)
This brings to mind something that my wife once asked me & really got me to thinking.First there was Super-God. He was holy, pure, righteous and loving, and he created God. But God rebelled against Super-God and became corrupt, and lost his immortality, but still had the power of creation. While in his corrupted state, God created the world, also in a corrupted state, but sometime after the creation, he repented of his sin and prayed to Super-God for salvation, which was granted. God's salvation was total and complete, and his immortality was restored, unlike the salvation given to man where we are set free from the ultimate consequences of sin but continue to live with its temporal consequences until we die and are raised again at the Last Day. God's salvation was so complete, it was as if he had never sinned in the first place, and he was elevated to a state where he could be worshipped by humans, and could give them salvation. But the world that he had created remained in its corrupted state, as it is to this day.
Her question:
To the best of my knowledge this question is never answered in scripture, but I have a theory.If Heaven was a perfect place, how did satan have the ability/capability to rebel?
No scriptural support for this that I'm aware of, but it does make sense; at least to me.
God created all (Heaven, earth, universe et al) in a perfect and pristine condition.
Before the fall, possibly before man's creation, the angels were similar to the first man in that, even being perfect, there was the potential for rebellion. Upon becoming very personally aware of his status & beauty, satan let pride push his ambitions a little too far. Hence his rebellion against God Himself.
At this point, God gave the angels the choice, again similar to ours, of following Him, or casting their lot with satan and his rebellious ambitions. Once their choice was made, their eternal destiny was firm, just as ours is after death, depending on our pre-death choice.
The angels are now living in their "eternity", just as we will be after death, in the once again perfect environment; but now with ZERO chance of sin.
Would love to see any scripture to validate OR refute this idea.
(Frankly I'm anxiously looking forward to that "sin-free" environment; if for no other reason than that my feelings & attitude toward others will change!!)