I think the only conclusion you can reach is, the left wants you to die from covid rather than recover. Their vaccines are not curing anyone of covid disease.
Covid is a very useful tool of the LEFT to implement their globalist plans.
And to reduce the overpopulation they think exists that will destroy the earth.
It is the same reason for the GND, Great Reset, and all the global warming scaremongering coming from them.
They are earth worshippers, they worship the creature and not the creator. This is all they care about, they do not want to keep God in their knowledge who made the heaven and the earth.
A new, peer-reviewed study finds that one of the cheap, widely available drugs that has been
dismissed by the left, establishment media and many in the health establishment as a treatment for COVID-19 reduces infections, hospitalizations and deaths by about 75%.
Ivermectin, in more than 30 trials around the world, causes "repeated, consistent, large magnitude improvements in clinical outcomes’ at all stages of the disease," according to the study, which will be published in the U.S. journal
Frontiers of Pharmacology,
DailyMail.com reported.
The evidence is so strong, the researchers believe, the anti-parasitic drug should become a standard therapy everywhere, hastening global recovery.
"The data is overwhelming – we are in a pandemic, and this is an incredibly effective way to combat it. If we use ivermectin widely, our societies can open up," said study co-author Professor Paul Marik, director of emergency and pulmonary care at Eastern Virginia Medical School.