Once again, you are incorrect. Can you provide the quote where I have said that? You can't, because I haven't said it.
I've said that God has created a creature that can make choices.
I don't suppose anybody in the history of the WORLD denies that.
That is like saying, "Stuff exists."
It is meaningless because it is so apparent and because nobody doubts it.
You are not ONLY saying that God makes people who can make choices.
You are saying that God makes people who make uncaused choices- or in other words there is no CAUSE for the choices they make- or yet again in other words there is no REASON why they choose what they choose.
That is what you are saying.
You are trying to stop people from asking the question "Why?"
"Why did you choose the hamburger over the hotdog?"
Because that is what I chose.
Do you see how meaningless that is?
Or, if you allow the query to go another step:
"Why did you choose the hamburger over the hotdog?"
Because I wanted the hamburger more than the hotdog.
"Why did you want the hamburger more than the hotdog?"
There are no reasons why I want what I want. That's determinism you jerk!!!
But no one hear is suggesting God made God. We are suggesting that God made responsible creatures. (again, remember to read the word 'responsible' with its actual MEANING)
No one is suggesting that you are suggesting that.
I am suggesting that saying that things LIKE THAT are things that God cannot do is not saying God is weak.
God cannot create contingent beings who do anything outside the bounds of contingency.
Things cause them to be (to exist).
Things cause them to live and move.
Things cause them to have the appetites they have.
Things cause them to have the desires they have.
They make choices based on these things.
So these things cause them to choose what they choose.
To say that they are the sole CAUSE of their own choices is as meaningless as speaking of "dry water" or "bright darkness."
This is absurd Luke. Your line of reasoning is like this:
Me: My dad can bench press 500lbs.
You: I don't believe a man in his 60s could do that, its unheard of from where I come from. I can't imagine that is true.
Me: I believe he has and he can. Why don't you believe my dad is strong enough to lift this? Why do you think he is weaker than that?
You: He can't lift a billion pounds.
Me: I never said he could or would even attempt to lift a billion pounds, what does that have to do with it?
You: Because if your dad can't do one thing then naturally that means he can't do another.
Me: Huh?
What I have said is NOTHING like this analogy.
Causes are contingent upon previous causes.
The only uncaused causer is God. This is an attribute that is as exclusive to the divine nature as his almightiness.
No, you are saying you can't understand how an infinite God COULD create a free creature,
It depends on what you mean by "free creatures."
HOW free?
Free enough to will themselves to be eternal?
No, God cannot make such creatures.
Free enough to will themselves to do things without causes?
No, only God can do things without being caused to do them. That is ESSENTIAL to his "Godness."
so therefore it must not be possible. You cannot conclusively claim that God is incapable of such creative abilities without making a finite presumption.
I can just as much conclusively claim that God cannot make beings who make choices without causes as I can conclusively claim that God cannot make beings who are almighty or exhaustively sovereign.
All three of these things are tied to the incommunicable attributes of God.