Whoa...I've never argued that the chooser doesn't have reasons or influences which affect his choices. I've only argued that those reasons and influences don't determine the choice, the chooser does that. The will chooses which desire/reason/influence upon which to act, because if the external influence determines the choice then IT is the chooser, not the person. If something external determines my action then that thing, whatever it is, is the determiner, not me.
:thumbsup::thumbsup: We have a WINNER folks!
The argument usually stems from conflating definitions:
The Calvinist conflates the notion since desires obviously
inform decisions that they "CAUSE" them...
That's not reasonable.
Similarly....we must admit that "desire" is invariably the most powerful
influence upon decision making, but that that does not automatically make it a sufficient CAUSE.....That's un-proven and un-provable, and there are good reasons to believe that it's NOT the case that all decisions are mere rote calculations of competing desires.
You are indeed correct: The "determiner" in any case is the IMMEDIATE cause (and ULTIMATE one) of any "decision" made.
If, however, it is only a product of a sum-total calculus of competing desires...than God is the ULTIMATE "cause" of every decision made including the rape and cannibalism of children.
There are no two ways about that. Now, obviously it is well within God's purview to be the Ultimate cause of every decision (by rendering decisions merely a calculus of desire, and ALSO rendering men incapable of desiring anything but evil).....
And it's also within his purview to decide to hold men accountable or "guilty" for doing what he programmed them inescapably to do.
Yes, He's Sovereign, and
can do that.
But, don't ask
me to believe these propositions (and every premise will be Calvinist soft-determinism expressed correctly) I will underline the obvious conclusions which they refuse to admit:
1.) Disobeying God's commands is "sin".
2.) Men sin because it is their greatest desire
3.) Men's greatest desires are inherent in their nature, and they have no capacity to do OTHER THAN that which they desire most.
4.) God has Sovereignly decreed that man be as he is and be UNABLE to do other than what he most desires.
Therefore: God is the ultimate cause of sin)
1.) Sin is "bad".
2.) God punishes man for sin
3.) Ultimate "good" is whatsoever brings God glory.
4.) Punishing wickedness and sin brings God glory
5.) When men sin, then...they are producing the sin which God will subsequently punish.
6.) Sinning, then, glorifies God
7.) Glorifying God is "good".
Therefore: sin is "good" and "bad".)