I personally will not be getting any of Bill's money. Nor do I want any. The Lord provides all my needs and then some.
Then why do you harp on this issue constantly?
I can careless what Bill pays...
Sorry to break it to you, but no one believes you. You post this all the time. If you didn't care, you wouldn't keep harping on it.
...but back in the 40's and 50's his bracket paid 90% and our economy still flourished...
Perhaps you should review basic history before posting things. The 90% tax bracket was to help us in paying for WW2. It finally caught up and began to bog down the economy. Of course, the bigger picture remains: Why do you feel such a huge need to punish success? You remember the "covet" commandment, don't you?
My questions have more to do with people appalled with passing a deficit to future generations then want to cut the taxes of the only ones who can currently afford to chip in. Then they try and justify that decision with the fallacy that cutting Bill's taxes will improve our present economy. I have never heard something so ridiculous or wrong in all my life.
You want to do away with deficits? Spend less than you take in. It applies across the board. And before you launch into another diatribe...there are millions of us Americans who feel this way. We are ready to kick the sorry butts of the D's and R's who can't show fiscal discipline.
If the right feels ok with raising the deficit by reducing Bill's contribution then I am ok with it also. I just don't want to hear them scream about the deficit or trying to pretend that cutting the taxes of a Hollywood movie star or professional athlete somehow creates jobs. I'm not buying what you're selling.
In one paragraph, you complain about a deficit...in another, you don't care...as long as you see rich folks' money in the equation. Would you please make up your mind?
I'm still amazed by your lack of understanding of basic economics. But oh well...you were probably innocently ignorant for a while...now, you're willfully so. Obama and Pelosi love folks like you. Their agenda goes through without a hitch, because you lack knowledge enough to question their plans.
LeBuick said:Not to dwell on this point, but when I learned only 2% of Small Businesses are in the over $250K bracket, it further highlighted how most of the blind followers on the right don't understand the false illusions their leadership is selling when they say things like "Obama is raising taxes on small businesses". Then they go around being offended and saying this like it's the truth.
OK, this is why you cannot be taken seriously: When someone posts a point that is critical of the left, you do the knee-jerk thing: "I need to see more information before I believe this story." Yet, Obama states something, and since the messiah cannot lie, you swallow the line completely without question.
Have you ever thought to check on exactly what that $250K entails? Is it indeed net income...or is it some other metric? I'm not going to do your work for you. But if you desire any bit of intellectual honesty, you will check this out before posting again.
But...since you really don't desire to be intellectually honest (you are just waiting to pound anyone that is conservative), we know the outcome of this exercise.
My questions have more to do with people appalled with passing a deficit to future generations then want to cut the taxes of the only ones who can currently afford to chip in. Then they try and justify that decision with the fallacy that cutting Bill's taxes will improve our present economy. I have never heard something so ridiculous or wrong in all my life.
You do realize, don't you, that barely a majority of folks in this country pay income tax? So what do you want...a check from the government (that would be from people that work and pay taxes)? The government should take from people who earn their money, and give money to people who didn't earn it? Why the wealth envy? And why the outright dismissal of the obvious...that government should only take what is necessary, and no more?
Views like yours will bankrupt, and eventually wreck, the United States of America.
No, the truth is Obama is raising taxes on 2% of small businesses and if the owner of this "small business" is profiting more than $250K/yr then perhaps he can afford to chip in a bit more. I don't know but I am a long, long way from offended...
As usual, you miss the point. Wealth envy has clouded your judgement. Taxation isn't something based on, "Oh well, they won't miss it...so we'll take it." Views like yours allow government power to go unabated.