I noticed you absolutely ignored the words in my post. The O/P is not true. The schools were losing money before somebody tried to fix it. You are trying to blame something on your enemy that is not their fault. That is what is shameful.
Answer my question, please.
Actually, my friend, it is the GOP. Here is a headline from Fox News:
So, my friend you see it is the GOP who now cares nothing about the good nutrition of kids. Profits, profits, profits for the corporations at the expense of health of our kids. Shameful
But if any Obama wants good nutrition then the party of "NO" has to be against it. Shameful!
I will accept an apology for your quick and very wrong reaction. [/QUOTE]
Profits for the corporations? Not only are you stealing Poncho's lines, you're not doing it well.
The schools are losing money, and having to pull from education budgets to meet the USDA standards. This is a classic example of this administration not understanding the basic rule of economics: Making an economic decision for one area without consideration for the long-term and the whole, often results in negative repercussions in other areas. The addition of regulations necessarily increases the costs in the area regulated; and when such regulation occurs outside of annual fiscal/budget cycles, other areas must be robbed to pay for the additional costs that weren't in the budget considerations.
The students are creating "black markets" to satisfy demand; and while that's a negative comment on the success of the "healthy eating" program, it does speak volumes about our natural-born capitalistic nature....