Well we'll see. This is going to unravel pretty quick, I think. Here's what we do know. Per CNN,
"Trump's dig at Blumenthal's military service is a reference to Blumenthal's past misrepresentations about his service during the Vietnam era.
Blumenthal obtained multiple military deferments to avoid getting drafted into the Vietnam War and ultimately landed in the Marine Corps Reserve and never deployed to Vietnam, though he claimed multiple times he had served in Vietnam. Blumenthal apologized for misrepresenting his service in 2010."
This is CNN saying this. Blumenthal is known to misrepresent things for political gain. Would it be any surprise he misrepresented Gorsuch's comments for political gain?
But you still have not addressed the fact that Gorsuch's spokesman and others said that he indeed did say what was reported. Please address fact.