In the trial of Kermit Gosnell, horrifying testimony was offered Tuesday from Gosnell’s sister-in-law’s common law husband, James Johnson, who worked as a janitor, maintenance man, and “plumber” at Gosnell's clinic.
Johnson testified he had threatened to quit because he would not retrieve babies’ body parts from the toilets where they had been stuffed. Johnson said he would lift the toilet so that someone else could get the babies out of the pipes.
Johnson was supposed to collect the body parts, including babies’ arms, from the toilets, which backed up at least once a week. He was supposed to shovel the body parts into bags and then put the bags in a rat-infested basement.
The rat infestation was so bad that a cat was kept in the clinic to deal with them, which defecated in plants all around the facility. But Johnson claimed the quantity of body parts was so great the bags started piling up.
Johnson testified he had threatened to quit because he would not retrieve babies’ body parts from the toilets where they had been stuffed. Johnson said he would lift the toilet so that someone else could get the babies out of the pipes.
Johnson was supposed to collect the body parts, including babies’ arms, from the toilets, which backed up at least once a week. He was supposed to shovel the body parts into bags and then put the bags in a rat-infested basement.
The rat infestation was so bad that a cat was kept in the clinic to deal with them, which defecated in plants all around the facility. But Johnson claimed the quantity of body parts was so great the bags started piling up.