What if it were different, and a true community existed where there was actually help?
That would be fabulous! Amen! Exactly what our Lord would endorse.
Usually however, when someone falls on hard times no matter the reason the Pastor meets with them behind closed doors and then announces from the pulpit that Brother Ralph is being "tested" by the Lord and we should all Pray For Him.
No, what Brother Ralph needs right this minute is $350.00 to pay his electric bill so his power doesn't get turned off. Or, Brother Ralph is on the verge of losing his auto insurance and if so, won't be able to drive to work.
Of course, there are some who would milk the congregation and as such, caution should be taken but falling on hard times is like your feet. When your feet hurt you hurt all over. If one in the congregation hurts then the entire congregations should hurt.
For sure, a "true community" should work together for the glory of our Lord.
True gospel community precludes your example. It would not happen that way. True gospel community also means that the TRUTH of all of the members is already known, so IF there is a family who is struggling with their utility bills, the group has already acted -- for some time -- both to educate the brother and sister about Godly responsibility in managing finances, helped them procure a job if that is the problem, and yes, met the need already if that is what needs to be done. There is no "announcement" from the pulpit, nor any "vote" of the church to do the work of the gospel, which includes loving God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and loving our neighbor as ourselves. Rather, the work is simply done with a heart of love and respect, and whatever else needs to be done is done as well.
Let me share two examples of how this works. Real life stuff, I'll leave names out. A family entered our congregation and was directed to a community group (the place where gospel community generally happens). They hop from one group to another looking for "quick fixes" to their problems, which stem from a decided lack of godly stewardship with what they have been given. They blame two of the CG for failure to meet their needs, end up petitioning the main pastor of the church for counseling, and are re-directed to another CG first, because that is where gospel community happens. The couple begin to realize that they will get nowhere by pushing the "needs" button with the church, and they enter a CG and begin to participate in the life of the church. Within the CG, they become known and with that their life issues also become known, for in CG, virtually all of life is explored, from marital relationships to financial to spiritual life. The group, sensing immediate need to ebb the tide, keep the lights turned on for the couple, then start working with them on a family budget where trips to Wal-Mart and McD's do not happen each payday, leaving other more serious obligations unmet. The group also assists the couple in locating alternative housing that halves their rent, and helps to get them moved, then also helps with used appliances and hookups so that they can be sufficient at home for lower cost than paying even to wash clothes, etc. By month three, the couple is now able to pay their own bills, and for the first time has actually contributed back to the CG, in that the wife of the couple enjoys baking and makes a marvelous cheese cake desert for the group. As love is shared, needs are met, and training in wise living is offered, it is determined that there is a further need in the life of the couple -- she is not saved -- and she has great animosity to her family for earlier abuse, etc. Counseling now begins, slowly at first, one-on-one, with the group leader and his wife doing that pastoral work. Then, the entire group is appraised of the scenario and prayer begins in earnest -- not judgment, but radical love and prayer -- real gospel concern. Biblical forgivness is taught, and she begins the process of reconciling with her family. A HUGE breakthrough happens when she is able to take the kids to grandma's house and not get into a battle. She begins to notice that the direction of the group is EVER more powerful and truthful than the life she experienced earlier and she renouces her former agnosticism and prays to accept Christ. She is baptized and so begins the process of another individual led to Christ, wooed by Christ, and bought by Christ, who now begins discipleship and a new life where she can reach others.
Now, multiple that example by 2800 people and hundreds if groups, including some so radical that they MOVE to new homes just to reach a new neighborhood (which is happening virtually every day in this church!). The church continues to expand with an exponential growth because the POWER of the gospel lived out through community is SO MUCH GREATER than the weakness of a gospel shouted to people who have yet to understand why they need or want it. And, those outside the church think that they are somehow "cheating" when in fact, anything but exists. They are LIVING CHRIST and it works, just like the Bible says! Many others THINK they are living Christ, but they are essentially the clanging gongs and clashing cymbols that Paul mentioned in 1 Cor 13. Noise, some small action on Sunday mornings when people arrive at church with their "Sunday faces" painted on, but NO direct gospel community at work, for EVERYONE FEARS EVERYONE ELSE and what would happen if they BARED THEIR SOUL AND NEEDS TO THE CHURCH. Sad day for most...