Gov. Bevin is a good man.
Part of the reason for the crime wave that is noticed but only barely is that Americans have a primitive view of mental illness. The percentage of people institutionalized is about the same as always but Americans no longer extend comprehensive medical care and hospitalization to the mentally ill but instead prefer to arrest them for crimes and put them in prisons. Thus cities such as Indianapolis have the mentally ill wandering around the downtown areas and sleeping in the streets so that Hoosiers can say that the don't have mental hospitals for sick people but sidewalks and prisons instead. The connection between the lack of medical care and hospitalization for the mentally ill and the crime wave committed by mentally ill people desperate for drugs or alcohol to replace the lost medical care and hospitalization forces them to violence. How many of the shooters have been found to be mentally ill? How many people after a rampage commit suicide by police?
A famous case in Indiana was Michael Wayne Jackson who was released into an Indianapolis rescue mission after a parole for weapons violation from federal prison. He was supposed to report to outpatient mental health clinics but he evaded that requirement by saying that he had a job after two days in Indianapolis. Before arriving in Indianapolis, he had visited his mother and given her a bear hug that broke one of her ribs. In Indianapolis, he killed his unarmed federal parole officer and a grocer (to get a vehicle) with a shotgun. He hijacked another car but the lady who owned it was able to jump out at a traffic light although dragged and suffering a broken ankle. He shot a motorist on an interstate and ended up in Missouri where he killed himself in a barn.