Yeah, from my understanding of what went down in KY, the first big strike was over pension reform. The KY Congress passed the bill in a blink and the teachers were getting the short end of the stick big time. So they sat out but Bevin signed into law. Enter this Behart prince, he's the state AG, he sued and won. Then, this year, there was some bill that was going to change the state pension board. It was just in committee and ultimately failed but the teachers came down with their version of the blue flu. The teachers were using their sick days to go protest this bill in the capitol, not the best optic.
Gave this thread a lot of thought over the weekend, Bevin does seem to view public schools as daycares and wants them open as much as possible so kids won't be home unsupervised? So if some kids gets hit by a car on the way to school, it's the teacher's fault again, or is it Bevin's fault? I don't know about KY, but on the Left Coast. you're usually safer at home than in a public school, especially for older kids.