Please pray for my 6 year old granddaughter.
About 6 weeks ago she was injured by a classmate in first grade.
She began to have trouble walking and was fearful about returning to school.
My daughter took her to the doctor a few times and finally to a physical therapist.
The therapist saw her poor gait and suggested a chest X-ray.
That was a week an a half ago… she went straight to Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh (about 2 hours from her home).
Since then she has had her heart and lungs drained of fluid and chest tubes to keep them drained.
Nasal cannula oxygen and continuous ekg monitoring
Numerous scans and x-rays
A biopsy of an abdominal mass
Blood transfusions, central line placed, bone marrow biopsies, tube feeding,
And a morphine infusion to ease the pain.
Today she starts chemotherapy for a stage 4 children’s cancer
If things go well this will be a year to a year and a half treatment ordeal.
My daughter and her husband are Christians.
About 6 weeks ago she was injured by a classmate in first grade.
She began to have trouble walking and was fearful about returning to school.
My daughter took her to the doctor a few times and finally to a physical therapist.
The therapist saw her poor gait and suggested a chest X-ray.
That was a week an a half ago… she went straight to Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh (about 2 hours from her home).
Since then she has had her heart and lungs drained of fluid and chest tubes to keep them drained.
Nasal cannula oxygen and continuous ekg monitoring
Numerous scans and x-rays
A biopsy of an abdominal mass
Blood transfusions, central line placed, bone marrow biopsies, tube feeding,
And a morphine infusion to ease the pain.
Today she starts chemotherapy for a stage 4 children’s cancer
If things go well this will be a year to a year and a half treatment ordeal.
My daughter and her husband are Christians.