AVL1984: In some circles the mental conditioning process is referred to as dumbing down. Home schooling or private schooling could make a difference, but many families can't afford the cost of private schools or spare having one parent at home to teach the kids.
Today it is easy to look back and say what better sacrifices our forefathers could have made for us, in order to make things better for us. Future generations of Americans may be more condemning of our generation if we don't shake this notion that the only acceptable methods of settling things are in our Godless courts and through our rigged electoral processes.
This is a quote worth commenting on and I agree. In that day, the public would have needed to be willing to endure suffering for aiding and abetting the guerillas, because the guerillas would have needed the aid of the locals. The guerillas would would also have needed to have a resolve about them which would have overshadowed immediate concerns for their suffering families and fellow citizens.Guerilla tactics against the Union soldiers might have led to the CSA winning and we wouldn't be suffering from so much FEDERAL control right now. AVL1984
Today it is easy to look back and say what better sacrifices our forefathers could have made for us, in order to make things better for us. Future generations of Americans may be more condemning of our generation if we don't shake this notion that the only acceptable methods of settling things are in our Godless courts and through our rigged electoral processes.