Well-Known Member
First of all, the police don't need a hearing to seize a gun, they need probable cause. That is what the constitution requires. I'm surprised you don't understand that.Yes. Due process. sounds like you have no idea what it is. It's Violation of his 4th amendment rights against unlawful seizure without a hearing.
Now to the question you avoided.
When was his hearing to determine if he was dangerous before taking away his constitutional right to own firearms?
I don't really expect you to answer. Constitutionally, you have taken an untenable stance.
A judge issued an order of protection. The judge needs probable cause to issue the order of protection. He must of had it. The police followed the law. If the judge was wrong, you make your case in court. That is the "due process".
The "due process" was followed by the judge and the police. The man didn't follow "due process" or the law.
Instead, the man attacked the officer and began trying to wrestle the gun away, causing the gun to discharge, at which point the police justifiably used deadly force.
I do support the 2nd ammendment, despite what you say. If 2nd amendment supporters try to use this case, it will hurt their argument.
I will make the battle at the ballot box. If the liberals win the day and the sheriff comes for the guns, I'm not shooting anyone over it.
Quite frankly, I can't understand how any professing Christian could justify a shootout with law enforcement over this issue. It is totally opposite everything taught to us by scripture.