It's very simple. To defend ourselves against a
government gone mad.
And WHO decides when THIS government has gone mad ? Don't get me wrong, Poncho, I have had rough email exchanges with people who want guns out of the hands of law-abiding citizens while offering no suggestions on what to do with the lawless elements of society with arms, but, really, that answer you gave has gone the cliche way.
This government is getting away with murder, at Benghazi, and Obama is laughing his butt silly at the American people, and everyone is willing to throw themselves under the bus for him, and the State department employees who can shed light to who is accountable for that slaughter in terms of command responsibility and all that jazz, think their retirement benefits at the very least is more important than their integrity.
You can say the same about those generals, and I don't care if they wear the heaviest medals on their chests.
Obama gave his people and most Federal big poohs a raise WITHOUT congressional approval. not to say without any budget being on the works if not passed, and no one gave a hoot about it.
Obama, there's that name again, points to everybody else but himself, and in a nutshell is saying, we're all going over the cliff and under the water, and it's your fault, not mine.
Obama, there's that name
again, cast his longing glance at the 2nd ammendment, and his background guys, from the White House to the mainstream media to ever hypocritical Hollywood, all demanded a plan.
Do you, or anyone on this board, save a few obvious (blank) lickers posting here and there, honestly believe that guy, a virtual unknown until 2007, won his re-election fair and square ?
I don't.
But, hey, what do I know, right ?
I'm just an immigrant turned citizen, not even white or blue-eyed, or charcoal black with a booming voice.
So, who, on the side of the people, will call the shots and say, this has gone far enough ?
Truth is, OUR side (yes, humor me. I'm on YOUR side) is not really organized.
Heck, wave the name Ron Paul even just on this board, and see how splintered the situation becomes.
I'd like to get somebody on there that will turn this country back to its roots and values, but from Republicans ?
Gimme a break.
Oh, wait, there IS hope.
Allen West. Now, THERE's a real American who happens to have true African roots, unlike the Oreo in the White House.
Question is: will "they" whoever they are, unite behind this guy ?
Who will call shots.
In the meantime, Obama (I'm beginning to get sick), has taken away the 2nd ammendment, turned this country so socialist Putin will practically be erecting a monument to him, sold this country over to China, and installed his Muslim brotherhood all over the place.
And the libs are hailing him for it, and he's laughing in bed about it.