You make a good point. I should have been clearer--I meant to say if a crime is committed with a stolen gun that was not secured, either didn't have a trigger lock or wasn't locked in a case, there would be stiffer penalties. The penalties would work in conjunction and add teeth to the requirement to secure unattended guns. My intention is that unless your guns are in your possession, they should be locked up.
1) Ever hear the saying that locks only keep honest people out? A determined thief will find a way to get what he wants. We generally think of banks, fine museums, and prisons has having the best "locks". Yet, thieves manage to cart off what they want from all these places.
2) As mentioned earlier, a drill (and a vice in the case of a firearm) can make quick work of locks. Unless there's a type of homeowner safe that I don't know about, drills will open them. Rather quietly and rather easily.
3) Gun control advocates are using every means possible to make having a gun useless. Reminds me of OSHA. Some of the rules they put into place made the legimate use of some manufacturing equipment null and void. The machine could not be operated, at all, with the required safeguards in place. Same thing is taking place with firearms, whether addressing "safety" features or the bullets used in them.
4) What's next? (I'm not joking about this, nor trying to be sarcastic.)
Once my guns become useless, what else will I have to secure, behind my locked door, so that a criminal cannot use it to commit another crime, commit suicide, or accidently hurt themselves? Knives, scissors, castiron skillets, ropes, telephone cords, aspirin, matches, butter, pillows, stairways.... well you get the idea. Our homes would be turned into the equivalent of a high security prision cell, with a useless firearm mounted over the, now safe & secure, fireplace.